Dean Pohlman - Mobility, Functional Fitness, and Quality of Life - Clovis

Dean Pohlman - Mobility, Functional Fitness, and Quality of Life

About Dean Pohlman

Dean’s first yoga class was entirely on accident: “I was looking for the tailor and stumbled into a Bikram Yoga studio. I had always been interested in yoga but had never taken a yoga class before that day. I asked the yoga instructor if this class would help my athletic performance. She told me that it would help me tone my muscles and make me much more flexible. That was exactly what I was looking for. Two hours later, drenched in sweat from head to toe, feeling like I had just exited the pool, and utterly exhausted, I had just completed my first yoga class. It was, and probably will remain, the hardest workout that I have ever done. From that point on, I was sold.”

After two months of doing yoga consistently, Dean realized that the benefits of yoga extended far beyond flexibility. “My level of limberness skyrocketed, and so did my endurance, body control, core strength, and balance, just to name a few of the benefits I was experiencing. More than that, it made me even stronger in the weight room.” Dean first began instructing yoga as the conditioning coach of his lacrosse team in 2011. That success encouraged him to take his knowledge and passion to a larger audience, and in January of 2013, Dean founded Man Flow Yoga in order to bring the physical benefits of yoga to as many people as possible. Since then, Dean has been teaching at gyms, parks, workshops, international retreats, and online. Dean is a certified 200 HR Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) through Yoga Alliance.
Dean and Justin discuss mobility, fitness, overtraining, and quality of life.
Topics Covered:

06:17 - Welcome, Dean!

08:42 - Dean’s beginnings with movement practice and athletics…

12:50 - Mainstream Fitness ignores critical aspects of human health…

16:25 - Most common issues for fitness “beginners”…

23:30 - Building a Foundation of Mobility for “rapid results”…

27:30 - Dean’s favorite exercises and workouts…

35:13 - Yoga for self-care…

41:00 - Most people are overtraining… for no reason!

46:30 - Dean’s top advice for overweight individuals…

52:30 - Man Flow Yoga to fix your posture…

56:43 - Can anyone do Man Flow Yoga? Even beginners?

59:23 - Wrap up and how to get in touch with Dean!

Links and Resources: - Follow Dean on Twitter - Follow Dean on Instagram - Man Flow Yoga YouTube Channel - Man Flow Yoga - Amazon Prime Video!

I Am Clovis

**The opinions expressed in this e-mail and by Justin Nault are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a local physician or other healthcare professionals for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.
Justin Nault, as well as any site or distribution channel where this content may appear, does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, diet plans (i.e. but not limited to terms like "paleo" or "keto"), pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Justin Nault, or Clovis LLC or any third-party whatsoever. In most instances Justin Nault is speaking "off the cuff"; for that reason, all statements - even a statement such as "studies show" and the like - should be heavily scrutinized. Should you decide to take any advice in this e-mail, and act on it in your own life, or suggest it to another, you do so at your own risk and detriment.**
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