Sodium Is Good For You! - Live AMA #4 - Clovis

Sodium Is Good For You! - Live AMA #4

Live Ask Me Anything #4 - Topics Covered:

- Sodium is Good For You! (03:49)

- Blood Pressure (07:24)

- Which Salt Justin Supplements with (17:03)

- How Often Should You Eat? (18:27)

- The Calories In Calories Out Myth (23:08)

- Vegans and Horsesh*t Documentaries (28:16)

- Kale vs. Cow Documentary (30:07)

- Vegetarians and Environmental Sustainability (32:02)

- LIVE Q&A! (39:33)

  • Lab-made meat (41:34)

  • What's your view on drinking Apple Cider Vinegar daily? (43:35)

  • How do you feel about fat fasting vs. full fasting? (44:24)

  • Can I take probiotics while on The Perfect Paleo Powder? (45:33)

  • What should I be doing in the gym? Lifting or running? (46:53)

  • Which Paleo Powder product should I take? (48:41)

  • How do you feel about Kombucha? (50:07)

Listen to the Podcast:

Show Notes and Resources:

- Mary Shenouda - Paleo Chef Instagram - Optimist T-Shirt - Seeking Health - Trace Minerals Complex - Redman's Real Salt - Zero App - Fasting Tracker - The Window Of Gainz: How Doughnuts Can Help You Grow - Kale vs. Cow Documentary - Diana Rodgers Instagram - Dispelling The Lies Documentary - The Perfect Human Diet Documentary - The Vegetarian Myth - Video: How To Make Bulletproof Coffe - Bulletproof Coffee - Brain Octane - The Perfect Paleo Powder - Digest & Rest - Justin's Approved Foods List! - Visbiome Probiotic - Simple Strength: How Cardio Is Ruining Your Life - Dr. Phil Maffetone 180 Rule for Cardio




What's up, everybody? I'm super excited. We did it! This is a Facebook Live, "Ask me anything" episode number 4. Technically, it's Facebook Live and Instagram Live. There are two camera lenses. This is freaking me out. Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, Instagram. I'm very happy about this. We made it work. I've been using this word, simulcast, all week. I don't know if that's a real word. It might not be an accurate word, but we're simulcasting. I don't even care if it's not a word. It's a word now. 


Welcome to Facebook and Instagram Live: Ask Me Anything. My name is Justin Nault. I own the Clovis Culture, and I invented The Perfect Paleo Powder. I'm also a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Specialist in Sports Nutrition. The Ask Me Anything is where social followers reach out and ask me questions throughout the week, and I go live to answer them. 


Usually, we do two or three main topics. I'm going to do that again. What's up, JP? How are you doing, brother? We're gonna do two or three main topics that I'll go through. Sometimes quickly, sometimes not so quickly like today, because I'm super excited about what we're going to talk about. 


But before we get into that, we got some logistics to handle. Number one, click the share button on Facebook. At least I don't know how it works for Instagram live. I should figure that out. I don't know if you can share it, but just click the heart button or the happy face button or the smiley face button or the angry button. If you're like, "why is that dude wearing purple?" I'll explain why I'm wearing purple. Whatever you can do, comment like all that stuff. It works. It brings up engagement, puts us on more people's feeds to get more information out to the masses. The more good information we get out there, the better that's the whole point of this. 


I got this awesome purple shirt. I'm going to explain that to you while I refresh my page and share my own Facebook live. If you share it on Facebook live, it's going to be shared to your feed, so some of your followers see it. If you want to share this information, or if you tag anyone in the comments again. Tag people in the comments, and that's going to bring them to the feed as well. If you've seen my Facebook Live before and you have friends or family, and you're like, "Hey, you can learn something from this dude." Please share them, and tag people. It'll be, it'll be great for them. They can get some good information. I'm going to share this on my page right now. 


Hi Chelsea. I love you too! Chelsea is the best. She's my favorite. 

Share, right? Right. Let's see. Share now. Public. Okay. I'm going to share it on my Facebook feed. Awesome. 


This shirt, I want to start doing this and help out friends and stuff that have really cool brands. This is my new favorite shirt; it is my optimist shirt. This comes from Mary Shenouda. Mary is known online as the paleo chef. She's super famous, way more famous than I am. I met her a couple of years ago at paleo effects, and she was a total sweetheart. She was awesome. She sampled my product and gave me great feedback, and gave it to her brother. She was super cool. So Mary Shenouda is awesome. Check out The Paleo Chef, @thepaleochef, I believe is our handle on everything. She owns a company called Phat Fudge. You can find Phat Fudge anywhere because it's a really unique name. 


It's basically almost like a drinkable packet of delicious fudge goodies that's paleo-friendly, and I think it's keto-friendly. I love my optimist shirt. You can get it or hit up the paleo chef, Mary Shenouda, and just say, "Hey, Justin told me to get an awesome optimist T-shirt. I love this thing. I'm aware of it all the time. It's fantastic because it sums me up."

All right. Let's dive into some stuff. First things first, I got a question about this, and it made me super excited.  


I got asked about sodium intake. I bet you if I were to say if you believe or have been told that sodium is bad for you or sodium increases the risk of heart disease or sodium kills you. If you've been told any of those things, comment "Yes." I guarantee you almost every person in this room would comment Yes on because doctors have been saying it for 40 plus years. For some reason, sodium is demonized in society when sodium is simply an electrolyte. It drives me nuts because people will drink something like a Gatorade and say, "I need to replenish my electrolytes or PediaSure." Don't ever get PediaSure your kids. It's complete poison.  


There'll be a hangover, and they're like, "Oh, I have a hangover." I'm gonna drink vitamin water and get some electrolytes. You're not getting electrolytes; you get sugar. It's gonna make you feel more like sh**. That's why you feel like sh** in the first place because you probably drank a bunch of sugary sh** when you were drinking. That's how you get a hangover, right? 


Sodium is an essential nutrient. It's electrolytes and vital nutrients. To explain what an essential nutrient is, literally, if you don't know the word's essential means essential for human survival. If you don't have sodium, you die for real. If you don't have sodium, you die. It's the same as essential fatty acids or essential amino acids. 


Let's say you have an amino acid. An essential amino acid means it's an amino acid that the body requires for life, and it can't make it itself. A non-essential amino acid is still an amino acid, but the body knows how to create itself. It can grab muscle tissue or glucose, whatever, and turn it into a non-essential amino acid. Something that's not essential can be created in the body. Something that's essential, the body can't create itself. You have to supplement it or die. Whatever you want to do, you have multiple options there. But sodium is very, very important. 


How important? Well, put it this way. If you take in less than 3000 milligrams of sodium a day, that's three grams. If you take in less than 

3000 milligrams of sodium in a day, you are in the highest tier, highest bracket, whatever you want to call it. You're at the highest possible risk of heart disease of having a cardiac episode. Less than 3000 milligrams of sodium a day puts you at the highest potential risk of heart disease, stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest, whatever, right? The highest possible bracket. 


Now let's go visit our friends - the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association tells us that we should take in less than 1400 milligrams of sodium a day. Think about that for a second. I'm gonna use my hands here. Suppose you go below the threshold of 3000 milligrams of sodium a day. In that case, you're in the highest possible bracket of heart disease risk—the highest at less than 3000 milligrams. The American Heart Association, the top experts in the world for heart health, say that you need to take in half the net, half 3000 milligrams that's 1400 milligrams. That's even less than half. Do you know what that does? It instantly doubles your risk of a heart attack? What the hell, really? 


Let's sit here for a second and take that in. The American Heart Association is claiming that you need to take in less than 1400 milligrams a day of salt. This doubles your risk of a heart attack. How do we wrap our heads around this? Right? It's insanity! The only reason that anybody thinks sodium is bad for you is based on one marker and one marker alone, a biomarker called blood pressure, right?

If you're on a low sodium diet, your blood pressure can go down. If somebody has a high blood pressure, what the doctors will do is they'll say, "lower your fat intake, lower your sodium intake and will lower your blood pressure." I want to explain something to you. When you go on a low sodium diet, it lowers your blood pressure by an average of 1%, right? 1% lower blood pressure. What it also does, paradoxically, is raises your heart rate. Now, it increases your heart rate 10 to 15% on average; for some people switching to a low sodium diet will jack their heart rate by 25%. There are clinical studies and scientific data that show a 25% spike in your heart rate on a low sodium diet. I get crazy jacked up about this because it should be criminal to give advice to lower sodium. To lower sodium, to lower your blood pressure. 

A 1% decrease in blood pressure leads to up to a 25% increase in heart rate. That's why your risk of heart attack doubles. It's far more stress on the organ. It's insane! Now, if you couple that with a pill to lower your blood pressure, low blood pressure medication, this is insane. The lower you drop that blood pressure, the higher the strain on your heart. You're literally doubling your risk of heart disease. It's insane! Sodium is simply an electrolyte. It is an essential nutrient. Anybody who tells you, "Hey, this nutrient is necessary for human survival. Let's lower it as much as we can." That person's a dummy! Don't listen to them. If your doctor tells you to take in less sodium to lower your blood pressure, you need a new doctor, really? 


This is where the tricky stuff with medical devices comes in because I use a functional medicine doctor. They don't accept insurance. It costs me between $250 to $400 every time I want to talk to this dude. It costs me $250 to speak to him for 25 minutes on the phone, legit, right? It's the only way these guys can make a living because insurance companies won't work with them. I have these people who have high blood pressure. They want to lower their blood pressure, so they go to their doctor, that's in their network, so their insurance will cover it, and they get advice that will kill them. 


This is why we need to prioritize, right? Get a cheaper cell phone and hire a functional medicine doctor. Drive a cheaper car and hire a functional medicine doctor. Stop eating out five times a week and hire a functional medicine doctor and get your priorities in line, right? It's this important. 


The American Heart Association is giving you advice that can kill you. You know, one of my best friends in the world had a cardiac arrest and had a defibrillator installed in his heart. I know for a fact, his doctor tells him to restrict his sodium to protect his heart. This is insane! You know, I mean, I'm not a doctor, I'm just Justin, the musician. That's the thing. This is where stuff gets really crazy. 


The other thing to remember in terms of dehydration, right? I have this trick, so I live in Nashville. I'm a professional musician. I play downtown and a lot of bartenders servers, right? Who do they text when they're hungover? Justin! Anytime they have a hangover, they text me, and they go, "Dude, my head is pounding me, pounding. My head's pounding; it's killing me. I'm going to go to a turnip truck and get some juice or whatever." They're just drinking straight fruit juice, sugar. It's going to make them feel worse.

I said, "Don't do that. Don't go get juice. Get pink Himalayan salt or Redmond Real salt. Get a really high-quality salt." Now, Redmond real salt as well has iodine in it, so this is really important. I'll get to iodine in a second. If you have a hangover or you just have a headache, and you feel a headache coming on. Take a half teaspoon, don't be a baby. Take a half teaspoon of sodium, Pink Himalayan Salt, or Redmond Real Salt, throw it in two ounces of water. Shake it up down at like a shot and then drink a full glass of water. It's not going to taste good. It just tastes like salty water. Right? Get it down. I promise you 10 to 15 minutes later, you will not have a headache. Headache cure. What does that tell you? Just putting electrolytes in your body, and you're fixing what your brain is going through. This is dehydration. 


People think of dehydration. I'm dehydrated. I'm hungover. I'm gonna drink water, water, water, water. That makes it worse! If you run a marathon in the desert and you're entirely dehydrated, and then you go to a restaurant. You drink a gallon of water, you're going to kill yourself. You're going to die. Literally, there are actually stories of those people after marathons and super dehydrated drink water, and they die. It's crazy. You'd be better off taking a full of a teaspoon of salt, throwing it in an ounce of water, chugging it, and then drinking water. 


You need the sodium. You need to replenish those electrolytes. You need to hydrate yourself. Sodium is essential for that. Heatstroke and dehydration deaths are actually death by sodium deficiency. It's crazy. Sodium is so important. That's why one of my favorite snacks is pickles. I get these Bubba Pickles at Kroger. They're amazing. Just these little pickles and their keto-friendly, paleo-friendly, everything, and they have sodium in them. And it's just amazing. It's like the perfect snack. When people talk to me about snacks, pickles are probably the ideal snack. 


Another thing I want to talk about with sodium is this is even more essential. It's essential for everyone, but it's even more necessary if you're on a low carb diet. So if you're following my advice and you're eating low-carb paleo, or especially if you're going straight to keto, you absolutely must supplement with sodium. I mean, put it all over your food. 


I'll take a video of this. I'm going to video my morning routine for you guys. I take half a teaspoon of Redmond's Real Salt and throw it in two full cups of water. So 16 ounces of water, and I drink it, right? It's fantastic. You wake up, and you feel great. Sodium is absolutely essential. When you're on a ketogenic diet or a low-carb diet, what's happening in your insulin levels are chronically low. Most Americans who've been eating what's called the SAD diet—Standard American Diet is their insulin levels chronically spike. Their insulin and glucose are chronically spiked. 

Now both insulin and glucose play a significant role when it comes to sodium. Insulin helps your kidneys store sodium and retain salt, and glucose helps your body absorb sodium, right? Insulin helps you maintain salt. Glucose enables you to absorb more salt sodium. The problem is when you've switched to keto, your insulin levels drop, your glucose levels drop, right? So your body just has to adjust. Your body's going, "Oh no, we don't have these molecules that usually help us absorb and retain salt." That's part of the keto flu. Part of the keto flu that people get where they're like, "Oh, I went low-carb, and I just feel terrible. I feel crappy. I don't like this diet." Blah, blah, blah. Most of the time, if you have a headache and feel crappy, have a half teaspoon or even a whole teaspoon. A half teaspoon is 1200 milligrams of sodium thrown in a glass of water. She'll get the headaches going away. It's going to decrease the symptoms of keto flu significantly. 


If you're low carb or ketogenic, I recommend you get five to seven grams of sodium a day. As I said, the American Heart Association is going to tell you less than 1400 milligrams. And that's 1,400 milligrams or 1.4 grams. I'm telling you to get almost five times that. Actually, more than five times that if you go up to seven grams. Seven grams is what I'd recommend if you're like a CrossFit athlete, right? You're like a low-carb, CrossFit athlete; you need seven grams of salt a day. So sodium is five to seven grams. That's 5,000 milligrams, 7,000 milligrams. A half teaspoon is twelve hundred milligrams. Just keep that in mind when you're doing the supplementation thing. Before a workout, it's the best pre-workout you can put in your body. 

I mean, you'll be pumping for an hour, and you work out, you won't feel tired. It's sodium's fantastic. If you're an athlete, while you're working out, you lose that 1200 milligrams. I use the marker of half a teaspoon because 1200 milligrams gets excreted in your body through sweat for about every hour of fitness, right? If you have kids playing soccer or playing hockey, playing basketball or whatever. You should be giving your kids salt, too, because you're sweating out 1200 milligrams an hour. If you're playing an hour-long basketball game, sprinting up and down, you need sodium in your system. If you want to keep performing at that level, it's super, super important. So five to seven grams per day, I get that number from my book called The Salt Fix. The Salt Fix is a fantastic book that spells out why this myth happened. 

Now by 2018, you guys know you've been lied to before, right? Especially if you've watched my videos where you're like fat is essential. This low-fat thing is insane. It's killing people. It's the same thing with sodium. This low sodium thing is insane. 


Another thing when people switch to paleo or keto, and they start cooking, and they're like, "What can I use for seasonings? Load up on salt, man. You should use salt to eat real food. A lot of people switch to health foods. And they're like, "But I don't like greens. I don't like broccoli. I don't like asparagus. I don't like spinach." You probably do if you put a bunch of salt and pepper on it or parsley or basil or whatever. So use salt to make things more palatable. Your body has a shutoff point. It's not like sugar. If you get too much salt, your body will know. You're just gonna be like, "Ooh, I can't stand the thought of another speck of salt in my mouth." Sure. You can keep eating until you're diabetic, right? 

Your body will regulate its own salt intake. Put salt on everything. It's good on eggs. It's good on salmon. It's good on meat. It's good on broccoli. It's good on all veggies. Just salt your food, and salt will help you eat real foods. This goes for kids too. If you're trying to get your kids to eat spinach or broccoli, things like that. A little trick, just give them a coarse salt brine or pink Himalayan Sea Salt. It's fun for them here. Put as much salt in your food as you want to. 


The first time, they might oversalt it. It might be gross, but they're going to figure it out. They say, this is what I like. "I get to do this. It makes them feel cool. They get to see the big crunches of salt." It is a little trick to get your kids to eat vegetables. Salt is amazing. It's required; it is essential.  


So the other thing I wanted to say about the Redmond Real Salt. Redmond Real Salt, I'll put a link to it in the show notes. It is a brand that I use because it has iodine in it. A lot of salt doesn't have iodine. I learned this from a graph in The Salt Fix book. Tons of salt, including some Himalayan salts, don't have a lot of iodine. Now a lack of iodine can actually lead to hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. Hypothyroidism or adrenal fatigue; if you're suffering from either of those two things, you probably have a sodium deficiency or maybe an electrolyte deficiency in general. You may want to consider a trace minerals complex. There's a great one, a company called Seeking Health

Seeking Health makes the trace mineral complex. I can get you a link for that. I think it's on Amazon. Let me think about that. This is fun for me because a lot of these Facebook games, I have to go back and watch them and say, "Oh man, I named Seeking Health." And then, I get to the show notes to link to it. And I put it on the Clovis blog. 

Let's do a time check. Okay. We went for about 18 minutes on sodium. That's a lot of info about sodium. I think that that was, that was a good little crash course on sodium. I don't know if you guys have any questions. We have any further questions about sodium. Throw them in the comments. I can see all the comments here. So if there's any more comments or questions that you have about sodium, just pop them in there, and I can go back and answer. 

The other thing I want to touch on. 


Topic number two, how often should you eat? 


This was actually perfect because Chelsea who's in here right now. We had a great phone call today about time-restricted eating, slash intermittent fasting. When should you eat? How often should you eat? If you've ever been involved in the traditional mainstream nutrition, fitness world, which is also directly correlated to the bodybuilding world. There's an idea that you need to eat every two to three hours to speed up your metabolism. This is silly. It doesn't speed up your metabolism, especially if your metabolism like almost every single American if your metabolism is broken. This is only going to cause problems for you. The chronic insulin levels get high, and chronic glucose levels will get high too. It's a terrible idea to eat every two hours. That's simply insane. It goes against our biology. We are not wired that way, genetically. This is me slapping the faces of people who believe that, right? If you were in the room, it just is back and forth. Slap fest all day, turn the other cheek. We're going to do it again, right? Okay. Don't eat every two hours, dummy. It is a dummy move. Don't do that. Think about Hunter-gatherers. This is where we go back to the way that we're genetically wired. 

Hunter-gatherers basically go through feast and famine. You kill a Buffalo, right? Everyone's feasting, feasting, feasting, feasting, and then they might go days without eating, literally. So in an ideal world, one of the healthier things you could do is eat once every 24 hours. Now, this is an immense, immense intermittent fast. If you're going to eat once every 24 hours, that's really difficult. The compliance rate is super low, which is why I don't suggest it. It makes life very difficult. It's tough to have a social life when you're doing this. So I recommend something called time-restricted eating, that's eating in about a nine-hour window. So the sweet spot for a fast is once you hit about 13 hours of fasting. So time-restricted eating will get you there. There's an app called ZERO that's free. I'll put it in the show notes. 


Zero is made by a great investor, brilliant mind named Kevin Rose. Um, Zero's awesome. When you stop eating, you click. Start fast, and then when you start eating again, you click stop fast and attract your fasting over time, right? So the sweet spot is you want to hit that 13 hours fast. So if you get into deeper intermittent fasting, like real intermittent fasting is usually a 16 hour fast and you're eating in an eight-hour window. Some people actually only eat in a six-hour window, right? This, again, it's very difficult. It's very difficult. The biggest problem that I see with this for an average person is they don't eat enough. They get confused. They say, "Well, I'm doing intermittent fasting. I'm only going to eat once per day." Let's say you eat once per day, right? You might end up in a situation where you ate once that day, and you took in 700 calories. I'm going to give you an example of this because I have a real-world example of this. If you're taking 700 calories and you're doing that day after day after day, you're malnourished. You're very malnourished. You're going to have serious problems. Your body's not going to work the way you want it to. I mean, you're going to run into real, real problems. You can't do that. Some people fast or do like the fasting-mimicking diet where a couple of days a week they take in 500 calories. You're mimicking fasting. 500 calories are so low that you are mimicking fasting. 


The idea of breaking a fast. Break fast, right? Breaking a fast if you have to eat a significant amount of food so that your body has what it needs and to do what it needs to do to work efficiently. I'll give you an example of where this can go wrong. I have a really good friend, one of my best friends in the world; I love him to death. We put them on an essentially Keto, low carb paleo. I put them on my 60, 30, 10 macros. The issue was, he didn't know how much he should be eating, right? So busy guy works a lot, just having a new baby, blah, blah, blah. Right? So he sends me his, my fitness pal, macros and calories. I see that this 180 something pound man is eating 700 calories a day. And he says, "Listen, man, I've been doing this low carbs paleo thing. I'm not losing any weight. I'm not losing any weight at all." And so I said, "okay, are you tracking?" 

He said, "yeah, I'm tracking." All right, send me your stuff. 700 Calories. I bumped into 1800 calories. I more than doubled his caloric intake, and he lost nine pounds the following week. 


Just think about that for a second. I more than doubled this man's food intake. He lost nine pounds in one week, where the previous week, he lost zero pounds eating 700 calories a day. 700 calories a day yielded zero weight loss. 1800 calories a day yielded nine pounds lost in one week. Wrap your head around that for a second. Because growing up all through school, food pyramid, all this we've been taught calories in, calories out. Calories in calories out; you have to burn more calories than you eat to lose weight. This is nonsense. There's no science behind this whatsoever. Stop with the calories in, calories out, right? 


So again, how often should you eat? I eat two really big meals a day. In the morning, I have digest and rest paleo powder. That's my product that I love to death. I take coffee that I make in a French press, and I blend, digest and rest with it. That's essentially my breakfast. It's a hundred and calories. It's 15 grams of protein. It's amazing. I love it, and I'm not hungry for hours and hours and hours. 


Around lunchtime, if I have that around 7:00 AM, around noon, sometimes 1:00 PM, I'll have four eggs, some kale, some sauerkraut, the whole avocado. I'll probably get a workout in somewhere after that. And then I'm going to eat like a big steak or even half a pound of venison or half a pound of grass-fed beef and 10 ounces of broccoli and a little sweet potato or whatever. You know, I mean, it's a lot of food. I'm going to eat probably around 2000 calories a day, something like that. I'll do it in just two meals, you know, but these meals are spaced out in hours. Hours between them, you know, the longer you can go in between meals, the better. That's really what it is. 

The longer you can go between meals, the better. The earlier at night you can stop eating, the better. If you want to hit that 13-hour fast, the idea is to be asleep for eight of it, you know, and make it a little easier. The more time you're sleeping, the easier that fast is going to be. The better your compliance rate will be for doing this day after day after day. With the Zero app, you will be shocked. How much of an impact just having an app that tracks your fasting helps you, right? When should you eat? Just put hours between your meal. Wait, as long as you can in the morning, or pick up digest and rest or fat loss. Hit me up in messages. I'll give you discount codes, whatever you need. If you want to check out these paleo powders. 

I mean, really, when I say hit me up, people don't take advantage of this. You have direct access to me. I invented these powders. They're mine, right? Write me a message, and tell me what you want. I am about the best hookup you're ever going to find on these products, right? Take advantage of this. That's what these Facebook Lives are for. I'm trying to help you guys change your lives for the better. Reach out to me. I will hook you up. I promise. 

Another thing to remember about when to eat, there's a difference in performance and longevity. If you're an athlete, a CrossFitter, and you're like, boom, "I want to put on 10 pounds of muscle." You need to eat until you are physically uncomfortable immediately after your workout. Immediately, you have a 90-minute window. It's called a window of gains. I wrote an article called The Window of Gains. Fitness RX for men magazine. It was one of the first published articles I ever had in a magazine. I'll link to that for you guys. This Window of Gains thinks people really eat whatever the hell you want after a workout, right? That's for hypertrophied has to get big and strong, right? To get bigger muscle mass, to get jacked, right? You have this window of gains, and that's important. Suppose you're looking for health and longevity. In that case, the hormonal response is actually better if you wait a couple hours after your workout. You wait a couple of hours to eat after you work out. Finish a workout. I know you're starving. You might be rapping two hours later and make your biggest meal of the day. 

Two hours after you work out, load up that's for health and longevity in the long haul. Now you'll get jacked faster. If you want bigger muscles, you get jack faster eating. Timing your food is super, super important. If you ever want to get deeper into it, That's Give me a shout. Tell me your exact needs, your exact goals. I'll build a plan for you. Again, all my nutrition consulting is free. If you're interested in products, let me know. The products probably won't be free, but I will hook you up. I'll help you as much as I can because I'm really trying to help you guys get as healthy as you possibly can, right? 

So again, if you're going to do intermittent fasting, or you're going to do time-restricted eating, make sure that you are taking in enough food. The only time that calories matter is when you're thinking about your food overall. How much food are you taking in a day? Right? There's a saying that I love, which is, "Only Count Calories if you're Under-Eating." Hits the nail on the head, "Only Count Calories if you're Under-Eating", right? If you have the right macronutrients, overeating doesn't matter because you're not taking enough carbohydrates to gain fat. It's just that simple. So only count calories if you're under-eating. Put as many hours as you can between meals, and stop eating as early as you can at night. Wait as long as you can to break your fast in the morning. Pretty simple, right? 


What else do we have here? Hold on. We get a couple comments in. I'm seeing it was only salt and pepper tonight, no butter. Oh, okay. Well, don't be afraid of butter either. As long as it's grass-fed butter, go ahead and smother your veggies in grass-fed butter. That's awesome! Don't be afraid of fat, but make sure it's grass-fed butter. Feedlot butter, not grass-fed? No. You don't want that. But salt, pepper, butter, especially on sweet potatoes or broccoli or whatever. Yeah. Don't be afraid of butter. Butter is awesome. Okay. 


The other thing that I want to talk about. Ooh, I thought we got disconnected for a second. I got very nervous. It's never happened before. I had a question about vegans. The plot thickens. All right. Let's talk about vegans. Okay. I wasn't going to go here. I was just sitting here with a new member of my team, Josh, who is amazing. Love this dude. He's the reason for all this simulcast magic. Chelsea, it's No, Nault just That's my email. 


Let's talk about vegans. I was like, "Dude, I don't know if I want to go here. This is a big topic." But we got 30 minutes left so I can talk about vegans. All right, let's do this thing. 


Why has the vegan thing gone crazy? Because of What The Health on Netflix, that is why. Now, there were Forks Over Knife, there was Cowspiracy, all these things. The same exact filmmakers keep creating these horseshit documentaries, one after another, after another. And they have people like Leonardo DiCaprio behind them. They have millions of dollars to toss at these projects and kill people because that's what they're doing. I legitimately think that Netflix should be fined for putting these movies out. It's it's insane. 

So I'll give you an example—Forks Over Knives or Cowspiracy. I can't remember. They put this just infographic out there. That was like a fork with a piece of meat and a fork with a piece of broccoli. It was like a hundred grams of broccoli has 17 grams of protein. It's complete bullsh**. They made that up. They completely made it up, and they made this infographic that went viral. For some reason, in 2018, people don't fact check anything. They just start sharing stuff. I'm a vegan because I love animals. This proves that broccoli has more protein than meat. How could you possibly think that broccoli has been more protein than meat? You would have to eat your entire kitchen table full of broccoli to get as much protein as maybe four ounces of red meat. This is just crazy!

There's this wonderful, delightful, amazing angel who exists on our planet today. Her name is Diana Rogers. She's incredible. Diana Rogers is making a documentary and full disclosure. I have contributed a significant amount of money to this documentary. This is all public knowledge, right? Okay. 


Diana Rogers has a project coming out called Kale versus Cal. I bring her up because these Forks Over Knives made this ridiculous infographic. She corrected it and said, "No, this is the amount of protein in meat. This is the amount of protein in broccoli." And just said, "this is bullsh**." There's a bunch of garbage out there. You can't just spread lies. Okay. There have to be consequences for spreading lies, right? So this woman runs her own organic, sustainable farm. Find her on Instagram; it's @sustainabledish. Right? Okay, cool. That's her Facebook as well. 


She's on Facebook and Instagram, both as @sustainabledish. It is fantastic, right? So check her out, and she will teach you things. Here's the thing. When we attack this vegan and vegetarian documentary thing, listen. If somebody is a vegan or vegetarian for animal rights, I'm not knocking that. There's no way I can knock that. That's your belief system. I love you for having a belief system; stay strong and do what you believe in. Okay. At the end of the day, it makes sense to come at this from a different angle. I could sit here and talk to somebody about animal rights all day and say, "You know, there are essential amino acids. That's why we need to kill animals because meat has more essential and non-essential amino acids. A complete amino acid profile and plants don't."

You can take the nutritional standpoint. They don't care. Okay. They're talking about animal rights. They care about the animals. Why are you gonna talk to them about nutrition facts? When they're talking about animal rights, they literally don't care. You can present them with any scientific evidence that you want to give them. It doesn't matter to them because they don't want to see animals die. This is where Diana Rogers comes in, and my friend, CJ Hunt, is making another film. I'll talk about CJ too, in a second. But Diana Rogers turned me onto a book called The Vegetarian Myth. This might be one of the most important books I've ever read in my life. If you have questions about vegetarian or vegan, read The Vegetarian Myth if you are a vegetarian or vegan. It's staggering. There is no way. Listen to me, look me in the face. I'm gonna try to look at Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, Instagram. There is no way that you get to survive without animals dying. There is no way unless we create scientific meat in a lab, which hasn't happened yet. They're trying, but it hasn't happened yet. 


You cannot survive without animals dying. Mark my words! Billions of animals die every single year for monocropping, which is corn, grains, soy, all these giant. A monocrop is the most unnatural thing that has ever existed in nature. Never will you find acres and acres and acres and acres of one crop. Big enough to have a giant machine that's a machine of death. A harvesting machine with a massive blade runs through. What a baby deer do when they get scared? Does that seem like a random question? What does a baby deer fawn, whatever? What do they do when they get scared? Genetically, they're programmed to sit and freeze and wait for mom, right? So a big harvester machine comes, they sit, freeze, sit down. Anytime you see harvesting happen on Monocrops, on soy, grains, whatever you see these big machines coming vultures, you will see vultures all over in the sky. 

Vultures are waiting because they know these harvesting machines are going to kill Fox. They're going to kill rabbits. They're going to kill deer. They're going to kill snakes. They're going to kill everything you can think of in the millions. Then the vultures get food. Harmless, right? You're not killing any animals. It's crazy, right? 

The vegetarian diet is the least sustainable for the environment. Period. I'll give you an example. Monocropping has destroyed 98, if not 99, I can't remember. 98 or 99% of all the prairies in the United States. Prairie land. Beautiful, gorgeous sprawling Prairie land gone. Pakistan, Afghanistan, these are deserts, right? These deserts used to be lush green rivers. That's why there are all these canals through these deserts because there used to be rivers there. It's the depletion of the soil and killing the microbiome. You're killing billions and billions and billions of bacterial cells. The soil in the United States prairies used to be 12 feet deep. It's now measured in inches. It's measured in inches, right? When this soil goes away, the land dies. Everything dies. You create a desert. You literally create a desert. If you're vegetarian, you're vegan, and you're arguing for these animal rights. You are not guiltless. You're destroying the environment. 

Do you want another fun fact? State of the Union address last night. What'd everybody freak out about because Donald Trump used the words, clean coal, which doesn't exist, right? Clean coal, fossil fuels. They get upset about this. Where do vegetarians get their soil from? How to vegetarians feed their ground in a vegetarian garden? They need nitrogen. How do they make that nitrogen? Fossil fuels. It's one of the biggest drivers of fossil fuels. Period. 


Manure. You need animal manure, right? If you have a garden, you need manure. You need nitrogen to the soil. Now a lot of manure you'll buy it like a tractor Depot or tractor co any of those things. It's bone, blood, flesh. It's crushed up dead animals. It's feces, all these things, right? That's what makes the soil rich and nutrient-dense and gives it the nitrogen that it needs. If you don't have that, if you don't have animal products to feed the soil, you need nitrogen, and you need it from fossil fuels. So you're out here being a vegan activist, and you want to save the environment, and you're creating fossil fuels. So you will say Donald Trump is a monster or America's a monster for using coal or whatever. And you're using the same fossil fuels to grow your plants. When you could just use Cow poop. But it's not fair to the cow gets upset when you pick up his poop or something and put it in the soil. I don't know. It seems weird. I wouldn't mind somebody wants my poop for soil. You can have mine. I don't care. I'm not using it for anything. Any you guys using it for anything? Weirdos, right. 

I don't mean to make fun of anyone or anything like that, right? But what it is that one of my favorite quotes, right? "Never attribute to malice, what can be explained through ignorance", right? You have a lot of vegetarians, a lot of vegans who just don't know what the vegetarian, vegan movement actually does to the environment. They have no idea. I highly suggest I'm going to put it in the show notes. I'm going to give you a link to Diana Rogers film project. It's called Kale versus Cow. Now myself, Clovis Culture, my company, we have contributed $50,000 to this film, right? Because we've donated $50,000 to Kale versus Cow, we're probably at some point when it comes out, which I think will be 2019; we'll probably do a viewing party here. I'd love to have all of you there. This is going to be a long time down the road, but Kale versus Cow


We are involved in this process. On top of that, my good friend, CJ hunt, who's responsible for the amazing documentary In Search Of The Perfect Human Diet. He's doing a film project as well. Now we have also donated $50,000 to that film project that is called Dispelling Lies. I will give you a link to Dispelling Lies. Dispelling Lies and Kale versus Cow are both crowdfunding projects. You can donate to them, and you can help us make this a reality. To give you an example, Kale versus Cow is more storytelling. They're going to talk to a couple in California that ran a vegan bakery. I believe it was. And then switched over to having an organic farm and raising cattle. And now they have gotten death threats, and there are activists outside their home. It's really, really nasty stuff. 


I mean, there's a violent, violent vegan movement. Actually, most of the creators of What The Health have been arrested for violent protest in the past. They're just complete vegan activist, which is why there's such nonsense in that movie. All they care about is pushing an agenda. We're trying to raise money for Kale versus Cow; long story short. I just kind of rant on you guys for a long time, but you should consider donating a dollar $5, $10, whatever. I'll put links in the show notes, Kale versus Cow. Now that'll be a storytelling documentary. Dispelling Lies is a little different. CJ Hunt is an investigative journalist, and he is badass at it. Watch his first movie, it's called The Perfect Human Diet or In Search Of The Perfect Human Diet

First Paleo documentary I ever saw that brought me over to the light. That's really what converted me and CJ, who's now a close personal friend. I love CJ to death. He's an amazing man. He's trying to help you. I promise. He's one of the good ones. So a check out Dispelling Lies, and we will do links like that in the show notes, so you can help him out. 

Beef made in the lab? You're late. Casey. We touched on that a little bit a few minutes ago. They are trying to do it. They have not done it yet, but eventually, it might happen. Stuff's going to get really weird when that starts happening.


So we talked about vegans, we talked about vegetarians, we talked about the environment, and we talked about sustainability, which is all pretty awesome. 


Jeanine, you're reading about NBA people and athletics performance. No, this is going to be a real problem. This does happen a lot in athletes like Nate Diaz. He is a really famous MMA fighter, and he's a vegan, I believe. No. Well, I think he's vegetarian because I believe he eats eggs. I'm pretty sure he eats eggs. He might even be a pescatarian. You never know what these people eat. Sometimes people don't even know what they are. So people will call themselves keto, but they're actually just low carbs, two different things, right? There's an NFL lineman who is very famous for being vegan, and he's about 400 pounds and has like C cup boobs. I don't know why anybody thinks that being a 400-pound offensive lineman as a vegan is healthy. I don't know who thinks that that's awesome. 


The other thing about NBA players is to track how long they stay vegan or vegetarian for. A lot of times, when you switched from a Standard American Diet to anything that has a lot of vegetables, you're going to do well. Like on a low carb, paleo or ketogenic, you need to eat a lot of vegetables. Vegetables are super important. I love vegetables, but it shouldn't be your only source of food. It is just crazy, right? So a lot of these guys were eating McDonald's, and they switched over to being a vegetarian. Yeah. They're going to feel lighter. They're gonna feel that faster. They're going to feel smarter. They're going to feel fantastic. Six months later, they're going to be anemic, and they're gonna be like, "What up? I got bumped playing basketball, and six weeks later, I still have a bruise. What the hell were paleo guys like me? I get cut. I heal up in a day. I'm like fricking Wolverine." It's ridiculous. Also, the perfect paleo powder makes you Wolverine. I don't know if you guys know that as one of the side effects, but this is true stuff. No fake news here. 

It is 9:11. We got some time left on AMA number four. This is so cool. I'm so glad we're on both platforms. I have a lot of show notes and links that I have to put together for you guys. This takes me a long time. 

So let's move into Q and A. Let's do a live Q and A. This is my favorite part about this stuff. Start giving me questions. I have the comments here. Let me sure I have this maximized so I can see everything. 


Question: Casey, what do I think? 

Justin: I know that you're talking about lab meats still. What I think about lab meat is that once we make lab meat, we got a real problem. Because we're going to have an issue with the population of animals, right? So there's already an issue with deer in the United States. I don't know if you guys know this, but there are like 1.5 million car accidents with deer in the United States alone, right? It's not natural for animals to not have predators. I mean, humans, the only other predators we have are animals, right? I mean, are other humans, sorry. God, these feeds are crazy. It's very natural for animals to have predators they need to, right? You'll see in Tennessee, there is no limit on tags for do's, female deer. Hunters can kill as many female deer as they want every single day for the entire hunting season. You could literally be like, I killed 15 do's a day. Why? Because everywhere you drive in Tennessee, you see dead do's on the side of the road. You're going to have a real population issue. 

What do you do with the animals? What the hell you do with the animals? If we're eating lab meat and no one's eating animals. Think about it. We've been doing feedlot cattle for 50 plus years, right? There are millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of animals, cattle. What are you going to do? Release them into the wild. Are you kidding me? You're going to destroy all of society. I mean, walking down the street, going to whole foods, it'd be 15 cows in the street. There's no way around it. If we don't eat animals, what do we do? What do we do? Think about that, right? Now, if you make labs meats that have the essential and non-essential amino acid profile. That has all the saturated fat, all the stuff that I want that I know is healthy. I'll eat it, right? That's great! But why? We have animals there. What's the point? 

Let's see. I'm now looking at Instagram and Facebook. If you have any suggestions, any more questions, we talked about lab meat. What other questions did we get? Send them in here. We got probably 15 minutes left, so we got some time. Let's see. 

Question: What's your view on drinking Apple cider vinegar daily? 

Answer: Awesome, great. It is essentially a digestive enzyme, really. I would suggest you start the day with it, maybe before breakfast. When I would do it, I'd mix it with a little bit of turmeric and just shoot it back, like a shot. It's great. Especially maybe like five, 10 minutes before breakfast actually might even help you. But yeah, it basically works like a digestive enzyme. It's acidic, right? So stomach acid required for digestion. That's another thing. When people have acid reflux, it's usually actually not enough stomach acid. Then you get a doctor that puts you on an antacid. Now you'll have even less stomach acid. The problem gets worse. It's insane. So, yeah, acid reflux. If it's usually not enough acid, Apple cider vinegar helps with that and helps with digestion. 


What else we got? Let's see Instagram, Facebook. Guys, we need more questions in there. 

Question: How do you feel about fat fasting versus full fasting? 

Answer: Okay. Fat fasting is fantastic, and it was really made famous by Dave Asprey and Bulletproof Coffee. Bulletproof Coffee is you make whatever coffee you want. And he recommends usable approve obviously, but Bulletproof coffee, plus a tablespoon of MCT oil. I use brain octane, which is C8. And then grass-fed butter, right? Mix it together. The fat fast is basically like an intermittent fast. So let's say you sleep eight hours, and then you wake up at seven, and you wait to eat till noon. All of a sudden, you have like a 16 hour fast in your hands, right? What makes compliance a little easier is a fat fast. We'll drink, let's say Bulletproof coffee, first thing in the morning, and that'll keep you full for hours. It's fantastic. Now you're not going to get the same exact benefits, like even drinking black coffee activates digestive enzymes, which technically pulls you out of a fast. You might get, I don't actually know what the exact ranges are. It's somewhere between 65% to maybe 80% of the benefits you'll get from full fasting is you're going to get from fat fasting. The compliance rate is way better. It makes things much easier because you're not hungry. 

Question: There are probiotics in the paleo powder I had each day, and I take probiotics after dinner. Is that necessary? Is it necessary? 

Answer: Um, probably not. Do I recommend it? Yes, because you're Nick and you're my best friend, and I love you. I know what you need. So keep doing both. Absolutely. I think I have you on VSL number three or vis biome. To give you an example, vis biome or VSL number three are two of my most recommended probiotics. They made by the same doctor. Vis biomes is a little cheaper, 450 billion CFU. If you're taking a probiotic right now and you look at it and your counter, I guarantee it has maybe the most I've seen is like 50 billion CFU, right? 


When I prescribe people... I can't say prescribe; I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on the internet. I'm not a doctor erase that don't sue me. Okay. When I tell people, I suggest lightly that they use the probiotic, 450 billion CFU. If you have leaky gut or something like that, I might have you take it every single day. I take a probiotic, I take visbiome, this 450 billion CFU. I take it on Sundays and Thursdays. I have reminders set up on my phone twice a week. It's kind of a maintenance thing. Perfect paleo powder, digest and rest, fat loss, and post-workout those; three formulas. Pre-workouts the only one that doesn't have it. It has 6 billion CFU probiotics. That's a solid amount as well. You're getting it usually first thing in the morning, replace breakfast. So, Nick keep doing that. Take both. 

We have 14, 13 minutes. 


Question: What should I be doing in the gym? 

Answer: Taking selfies or lifting weights or running six miles on the treadmill? Well, Casey, you know how I feel about cardio? I have an article that I'll link to called Simple Strength, how cardio ruins your life, and it's true! Everybody does cardio is wrong! How wrong? I want to run a six-minute mile. I want to run a seven-minute mile. I want to run an eight-minute mile. Stop that sh**! If you do cardio correctly, you're not even out of breath, literally. That's because the heart rate monitoring system that we know is entirely made up out of the blue in the 1930s. An Olympic runner said, "I think it's 210 minus your age is maximum heart rate." Somehow that stuck. He wasn't a doctor. He wasn't anything special. 

He just said, "okay, cool." This is the heart rate. Sounds good! And we stuck with it ever since. It's insane. We don't even know where this stuff comes from. Did you know that that's where it came from? No, I didn't until I learned about it; it's insane. 


There's a guy named Dr Phil. Maffetone. The Maffetone 180 rule is you take 180 minus your age. Now, this is based on solid science, 180 minus your age. So for me, I'm 31, so that's 149. I can do cardio all day, everyday. I can run 50 miles a day if I want to. If I keep my heart rate under 149, and that means I am in fat burning zone. I am in an aerobic zone and not switching over into anaerobic, which is burning your muscles—the burning muscle glycogen. 

That's why marathon runners, it's really hard to be a marathon runner and hang on to muscle mass. You're not gonna see a lot of jacked runners out there. For overall health and longevity, strength training is the way to go. Heavy-Resistance Training it's actually the only thing on planet earth that can reverse osteoporosis and increase bone mass. Heavy-Resistance Training, you want to live to be a hundred? Resistant strain and cut the cardio out or do cardio the way I just described to you. Okay. 

Question: If I were to start one of your paleo powders, which one would you recommend? 

Answer: Okay. That depends on your goals. So again, if you want to shoot me an email,, let me know what your goals are. I can send you a list of approved foods to get started because remember nutrition's number one. Supplements only exist to supplement the things you're already doing perfectly, right? No supplement is just going to make you healthy, right? This will help for sure. But you got to get nutrition right first. If the goal is fat loss, that loss formula. If we think you have leaky gut, you're dealing with an auto-immune issue, we're going to give you digest and rest. Do you want to get jacked? I'm going to put you on post-workout. I might get you a bundle of pre-workout and post-workout. So there's a lot of different variables here. And that's why I went from one product back in 2016 to launch this line of four products because people have different goals, right? Any goal that you have, we can hook you up with a powder. So, go poke around and check out the ingredients. Again, fat loss is for fat loss. Digest and rest are for people who really need to heal. For the athletes or people who want to build muscle or whatever, we have pre-workout post-workout. 

All right, what else we got? We talked about paleo powder. We talked about vegans. We talked about sodium. We talked about when to eat in Intermittent fasting. Probiotics. This is all great stuff. Oh, and I'll also give you show links to the probiotics that I recommend. 


Oh, okay, cool. Let's see Instagram. We got an Instagram question. I've never answered this question. Instagram questions. 


The first one is kombucha.

Answer: Kombucha is a little tricky because you really have no way of knowing what you're getting. So kombucha is essentially a probiotic. I've decided to not do kombucha. I mean, every now and then, actually, that's not true. I drink a kombucha today. I say grab winner Kroger, randomly. Kombucha, I don't think it's going to be a problem, but you really don't know what you're getting. So you'll see on the back, it'll tell you like the type of probiotics it has in it. They guarantee there's a certain amount. It's usually like between one and 3 billion CFU, I think in most kombuchas. Here's what you have to be really careful, and this gets into label reading. I want to really talk about label reading as much as possible in the future because this is super important. 

You need to read the nutrition facts on the kombucha label. Because you'll see that some kombucha brands have a kombucha flavor that has 24 grams of sugar, right? The first ingredient, like we've talked about if you go into the other ingredients. They're all the nutrition facts, and then look at other ingredients; you might see the number one ingredient is cane sugar, like raw cane sugar or something like that. They try to make it sound healthy. Some of them use blueberry juice or fruit juices, which are cool too. You really got to worry about kombucha because of the sugar. The sugar levels can be super, super high. The one I got today is made by GT's kombucha. Yes. Let me rack my brain for a second. GT's kombucha, and the cherry chia flavor, add chia seeds, which is pretty cool. 


They're soaked in the kombucha. So you don't have to worry about lectins, which makes it healthy once you get rid of the lectins. I think it has four grams of sugar in the entire bottle. The other thing that you want to look out for is all kombucha is using some form of sugar or fruit juice or something like that because that's how it ferments, right? So with kombucha, a lot of times in the label, you'll get like this big bottle and you'll look at the serving size and they'll say, okay, this one only has eight grams of sugar, but they're giving you a serving size. Then it says servings per bottle too. Now you're looking at 16 grams of sugar. That's about half a can of Coca-Cola and sugar content, right? So you really, really need to think about that. It's important. Monitor the sugar intake when you're dealing with kombucha. Just know that you don't really know what strain or what type of probiotics you're getting. Even if you make it at home, a lot of people make kombucha at home. You have no way of knowing really, if you're getting 3 billion CFU or you're getting 50 billion CFU or whatever, it gets really, really tricky. 

So we're pretty close to wrapping up here. As I said, yeah, if you can share this, share it on your feed, click the share button. Push it out to as many people as you can. I did see that some of you guys in the comments are tagging people and stuff. That's awesome because the more people you tag, the more people will see this. They can share it on theirs. We can get this information out to everybody. I'm trying to grab all these comments. Let's see. This is speeding. Simulcast is tough. 


You're doing awesome, Theresa. Thank you. Okay. So, click the share button, click the like button and click the heart button. Click the happy face button again. You can find out about the paleo powder, all of our products at 


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We're going to be doing a lot more content. I also want to know what kind of content you guys are looking for. Keep these questions up in the, Ask Me Anything. Ask me as many questions as you can throughout the week., all the social media channels, reach out to me. Let me know what kind of content you want more of. Let me know how this went, what I did well, what I need to work on. If you know of any cool brands that want me to wear a t-shirt, give them a shout out. Please let me know. We can talk about that. Also, yeah, just tell me if you'd like to them. Let's keep doing these. We're going to start pushing out a lot more content, a lot more video content on all social platforms. So be prepared for that, and thank you. I got some thank-you's on Instagram's all the hearts, all the likes, everything. You guys are fantastic. I think we're going to wrap this one up. 


Thank you. This is Facebook Live: Ask Me Anything Episode #4. I will post it as a blog post. I'll give you all the show notes on everything we talked about. Be patient with me, and thank you so much. I love you guys. Thank you for letting me do what I love. This is fantastic. 


I love you. Have a great night. Bye.

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