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Live Ask Me Anything #69 - Topics Covered:
Bone Density, Rabbit Starvation, and Fat Adaptation
Topics Covered:
Norway trip
Music industry creeping back in
Topics Covered:
5:43 - Q: “What is the best way to build bone density? I have friends using foods high in calcium to prevent osteoporosis. I remember you saying something along the lines of food not being the way to do that.”
Calcium leaching - oxalates and lectins
Kidney stones
Feedlot milk is terrible, mostly sugar
Making bone broth is a great way to get calcium
Eating bones (or bone meal)
Ditch oxalates, eat anti-inflammatory, eat more protein, and lift heavy weights
15:27 - Protein intake
0.8g of protein per pound of body weight
Or 1g per pound of lean body weight
Protein is the most important macronutrient for body composition
16:48 - Q: “Is there a limit for how much you can cut down on your fat intake if protein is the most important?”
Yes. This is very dangerous (if low-carb)
Rabbit starvation
Fat is important
23:50 - Social media vs Truth
Justifying bad decisions
28:10 - Q: “I always hear you talk about fat adapted, but I’m not really sure what that means. Can you give a quick explanation?”
- Metabolic flexibility
Glycogen - glucose stored in case needed
Fasting shouldn’t be difficult if fat adapted
33:35 - Issues with social media nutrition info
“Everything in moderation”
Asshole trainers
Eating disorders
35:00 - Q: “If the transition was really easy, does that mean fat adaptation happened sooner?”
Don’t worry too much if you’re fully adapted
Distractions. Keep it simple
40:30 - Q: “How does one know if it is time for updated macros? I have macros for fat loss now, how lean will they allow me to get? Would I need to update them if I have a new goal of muscle mass?”
44:30 - Q: “Can you explain why you don’t like target body weight? Is body fat percentage more important of a measurement?”
Body weight tells us nothing about health
Body composition is key
54:11 - Program “Justin in your pocket”
App called Marco Polo
Private, on-call, video correspondence
55:18 - Mindset is EVERYTHING
Epidemic lack of self-awareness
Improvement not perfection
The journey is the destination
58:40 - Q: "I've heard about Biofilms and Biofilm Detoxes. Legit or Bogus?"
Antibiotic-resistant infections
Biofilms can be bad or beneficial
Difficult to test for
There are ways to treat biofilms
1:01:45 - Q: “Does fasting to ‘let the body rest’ have any adverse effects on fat loss if done for an extended period?”
AMA #25: Fasting Facts: From Fat Loss to Longevity
Perfect Fasting Protocol ebook!
1:02:30 - Q: “Intense fitness session (like 1-hour heavy bag boxing)... stick to carb macros or is it ok (or recommended) to go over?”
Carb loading is for performance only, not fat loss
1:03:20 - Q: “What about 3 different body types and their differences with the number of macros?”
1:04:00 - Lyme and mold concerns
Closing comments and updates:
New subscription model for Paleo Powder
Clovis Coins makeover
- new playlists
Instagram has blown up @theclovisculture
Podcast review = free Paleo Powder samples
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Body By Science by Doug McGuff "Justin In Your Pocket" One-On-One Video Coaching with Justin Healthy Gut, Healthy You by Dr. Michael Ruscio Fasting Facts: From Fat Loss to Longevity - AMA #25 The Perfect Fasting Protocol by Justin Nault Moldy Movie**Full Medical Disclaimer:
**The opinions expressed in this video and by Justin Nault are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a local physician or other health care professionals for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.
Justin Nault, as well as any site or distribution channel where this video may appear, does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, diet plans (i.e. but not limited to terms like "paleo" or "keto"), pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Justin Nault, or Clovis LLC or any third party whatsoever. In most instances Justin Nault is speaking "off the cuff"; for that reason, all statements - even a statement such as "studies show" and the like - should be heavily scrutinized. Should you decide to take any advice in this video, and act on it in your own life, or suggest it to another, you do so at your own risk and detriment.**