How To Set Your Kids Free in 30 Days - Live AMA #14 - Clovis

How To Set Your Kids Free in 30 Days - Live AMA #14

Live Ask Me Anything #14 - Topics Covered:

Intro: Welcome Newcomers!

5:24- How to Set Your Kids Free in 30 Days

5:43- Who is Justin Nault? Disclaimer- I am the Fun Uncle, Not a Parent

6:30- I don’t know your personal struggle, and I will NEVER claim to

7:53- What I DO know is biochemistry, and my own struggle...

9:37- I promise you, you will leave this AMA with information you did not have before (It’s going to be animated!!)

11:20- Justin’s Story- Having a Nutrition Company at 31 is NOT a coincidence

12:32- We live this everyday… Sweet Savannah

14:17- Clovis Kids are doing amazing Things: Video

16:11- Stay til the end for special surprises (who doesn’t love that?!)

16:57- How to set your kids free- sounds like a hostage situation, because it is, BUT it’s not your fault

17:37-Billions of $$ are invested to brainwash GENERATIONS

19:36- This is hard to hear, but I am not your enemy- Big Food Companies are your enemy

20:00- For the past several decades we’ve gotten it completely wrong

21:53- You will NOT be able to find the resources you need, because they do not exist

22:32- The numbers for childhood obesity, overweight children and type 2 diabetes will astound you

24:41 - The future is in serious jeopardy. Full stop.

25:55- Children mimic parents. Over One-Third of adults in the US are Obese

26:50- “Play 60” and school snacks are doing our babies ZERO favors

28:16- You’re accidentally sending your kids mixed signals, we ALL need to change

29:39- Again- THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are a marketing tool, but NOT anymore

30:18- FB Check

31:44- Your beliefs RUN your show (and your kid’s show)

32:36- BELIEF #1- I’m going to lose “trust” with my kids

33:40- Your child’s beliefs COME FROM YOU- it’s NOT genetics: The Numbers

35:13- You are afraid, but it WILL be ok

36:03- Fruit HAS to be good because my child has been eating it for a decade. Nope

37:00- “Because I said so,” means you have no answer. We’re going to be better than that!

38:00- We simply did not know better. Not even the Nault’s

41:58- Papa Nault was willing to learn, and is now a legit savage

42:45- Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.

45:23- Bryce!! We can build trust with our kids and create BETTER relationships

47:50- How Justin and Dad built trust

49:55- Raise your hand and ask for help, we can do this together!

50:34- FB Check

53:30- BELIEF #2- I don’t want my kid to be different… the weird kid with the Kale chips…

55:05- Don’t let your pain become your child’s pain

56:29- Short terms goals vs. long term goals- don’t use special occasion excuses

58:31- What’s the TRUTH here?? YOU don’t want to be judged

1:01:00- Small technical difficulty

1:02:13- sound is back!

1:02:28- Honesty and Humility= Clovis

1:02:40- What’s more important? Being a Superhero or Be a Role Model?!

1:03:00- What’s more important? Other people's opinions OR your child’s health?!

1:03:35- Justin’s Mama gets judged. Adults are awful!

1:07:26- Your baby is already being JUDGED and feeling ALONE. Screw people who judge YOU for helping!

1:09:40- FB Check

1:10:35- BELIEF #3- This is going to be too hard…

1:12:3- The variety you have is killing you

1:13:20- SIMPLIFY

1:13:58- Day in the life of our kids…

1:18:08- You’re probably having the same problems

1:19:46- Set your kid up in the RIGHT way

1:20:34- Set up your house for success: The American diet is BROKEN- stop trying to “fix” it

1:21:47- Have conversations with your kid, treat them like a tiny HUMAN

1:23:49- Game-ify things. Make this FUN!

1:26:04- Fed-Up on Netflix- go now

1:26:23- Liam is Awesome!

1:27:59- FB Check

1:28:49- DRUM ROLL… Clovis KIDS

1:30:00- Paleo Powder is PERFECT for kids. In fact, Here’s a contest!

1:31:26- Here’s the deal: What we’re offering (Hold onto your hat!)

1:38:28- Live Q&A

  • 1:39:05- Do I need multiple memberships for my multiple kids?
  • 1:40:30- What do you mean Macro Nutrients for kids?!
  • 1:41:33- How does our hashtag payment work? What is this voodoo?
  • 1:43:13- Let’s create a support system for our KIDS to get healthy!
  • 1:44:45- Let’s FIX our kid’s disease and illness.
  • 1:47:59- What do I do about my split household? Dad’s not onboard...
  • 1:51:00- What the max age for a “kid” with this program?
  • 1:52:10- Our kids can inspire other adults. Don’t push, lead with love

1:53:26- Last call for questions within this AMA

1:53:55- WRAP UP

Listen to the Podcast:

Show Notes and Resources:

- Justin's Approved Foods List! - I Am Clovis - clovis®kids - The Clovis Academy (Private Facebook Group) - Fed Up Documentary - Fitness For Fat Loss... Or Not. AMA #11 - What are Lectins? AMA #2 - Incredible Transformations - "What's Holding You Back?" AMA #12 - Feeding Your Children and Their Gut Bugs - AMA #9 - The 180 Rule For Cardio - AMA #6




What's up, everybody? It's Justin. We're on live again. Welcome to Clovis Live weekly Ask Me Anything. AMA we call it AMA because we're cool kids, and we like acronyms. So Ask Me Anything Number 14. We've been at this for 14 weeks now, which is crazy! I'm super excited about this one. We're talking about one of my favorite topics, making sure everything's cool. Yep. We're good. 


This is live on Facebook. We're just live on Facebook today, right? Yep. We're live on Facebook today, and what I want you to do is I'm going to make sure this is up. Every time we start the live videos, I just make sure that we have people coming in. I will refresh the Clovis culture page. You're probably watching on the Clovis culture page. We'll probably also share this with the Clovis academy if you're a member there. 

I'm gonna bring this up and make sure that everything's working on the Clovis culture page. Loading, loading. Yes, we're there. Okay. First things first, if you will, please do me a giant favor and click the share button on this video. All you have to do is click share. You're gonna get a drop-down menu, and it will going to say Share Now Public. Boom! That's all you gotta do. I just did it. So now it's shared with my timeline @JustinNault. This is weekly Ask Me Anything Number 14. Today, we're talking all about kids. If you guys are in the academy or you've seen these ask me anything videos live the last 13 weeks. It was AMA number nine was the last time we talked about kids. We did an episode called Feeding Their Children And Their Gut Bugs. That was my favorite episode up until now. I've never been more excited about an ask me anything. We have huge, huge, huge, huge, huge news, like stupid, huge news that you have to hang out for. I'm going to drop some crazy bombs on you. It's going to be amazing. I have a very proud moment happening that's going to happen later, not right now. 


I have to calm down. I have to calm down, but it's coming. I promise it's going to be insane. I'm even more proud of this than I am of the perfect paleo powder, which is literally my baby. I have something that I'm more proud of now. You guys are gonna learn about this Ask Me Anything Number Four. Okay. 


This is where we're going to this kind of me and a whiteboard type deal, which I think is a little bit better because I can show you some things visually. I can work through some things in my head. It's a little bit easier for me to get some stuff out to keep track of what I'm talking about. It's all about kids, but like we did last week, I'm going to give people a couple of minutes just to get this room complete. The more people, the better. 


I put a video out in the Clovis academy today. So now that the video is live. If you want to jump into your comments, a lot of you added people to the Clovis academy, which is our private Facebook group. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We went over 500 members today. If you're in the Clovis academy, we went over 500 members. That's crazy! Over 500 members today, and we built this group in what? Four weeks, something crazy like that. We have 500 members.


If you try to add somebody to the group or didn't add them to the group and you want them to watch this, and you've seen this now. All you have to do is tag them in the comments. The Clovis academy is a private group. The Clovis culture Facebook page is not private. Just

If you tag your friends in the comments right now, I want to see some people do it. Start tagging. If you tag people in the comments, they're going to get a notification, and it's going to take them directly to this video so they can see it. If you have loved ones with kids, please tune them into this. If you have loved ones that have seen you changing things a little bit with your kids and they seem, maybe they're a little bit interested in it, they want to learn more about it, that kind of thing. Then tag them in this video. We want to get as many people as we can watching this because this is crazy, crazy important stuff. And again, I know some of you in the Clovis academy will be upset because I'm not going to talk science today. 

I will leave time for a live Q and A. A question and answer section at the end. We're going to need time for that. So if you have science-y questions, and you want to talk about glucose and insulin? We can do that, but let's do it at the end, right? Because most of the people who see this video, they're new. They're just coming into Clovis. They don't know me. They don't know Clovis. They don't know what I'm all about. I'm not going to hit him in the face with a bunch of crazy science. Just like last week, we're going to talk about the mind and emotions. But last week, we talked about your mind and emotions. This week, we talk about the little one's mind and emotions. Little ones all the way up to the 17-year-olds. Anyone who's not an adult. Right? 

We will talk about kids talking all about kids today. We're talking about adolescents, toddlers, infants, whatever. We're talking about kids minds and emotions. Remember what happens to you at these very, very developmental ages three to eight. That kind of thing. You carry it with you. Trust me. I am living proof that you take it with you for your entire life. So mind and emotions are very, very important. We're gonna talk about that. Let's see how we're doing in the group here. We got a lot of viewers. Okay. Awesome. Great, perfect! Perfect. Oh yeah. My dad's in the group. What's up, dad? How are you?

Dad's in here. Okay, cool. We have a lot of live viewers now, which is fantastic. Keep tagging people. Yes, the number's going up. Perfect! You guys are awesome. Tag tag tag. Okay. 


How are we looking? What do you think, Josh? Do I wait or go? All right, we're going to go for it. We're going to jump in. Ask Me Anything Number 14. If you follow us on social, you'll probably know what this is about. This is episode number 14, and it is called How To Set Your Kids Free in 30 days? 


How To Set Your Kids Free in 30 days? 

Now, first things first, I need to get something out of the way. We've got clear the air on this. Okay? I am not a parent. If you don't know me, my name is Justin Nault, and I'm the founder of Clovis. I invented a line of nutritional powders called the Perfect Paleo Powder. I am a Nutritional Therapist. I'm a Specialist in Sports Nutrition, and I help people change their lives for the better. I've done it with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people. We have a whole bunch of testimonies and a whole bunch of pictures, and a whole bunch of videos. And a lot of people scream from the mountaintops that Clovis is the best thing they've ever done. Keep that in mind, but let me preface this video by saying I am not a parent. I am a single 31-year-old man. Okay? I have a dog. He's awesome. I take pretty good care of him, but I am not a parent. I understand I'm not a parent. I don't know your struggle. There's no way for me to know your struggle. The closest I get to understand your struggle is observing my brother, Steve. He has four kids. I have a bunch of nieces and nephews. It's great! I love taking care of them. I also love when they, when I get to send them back because it's very stressful. It's crazy stressful. I can't even imagine. I can't even imagine what it's like to get kids ready for school in the morning and get them out the door. 


I want you to understand, I'm not pretending to know your struggle. I'm not pretending to tell you how to be a parent. I'm sure you guys have way more to teach me than I had to guide you. I'm sure of that. Your experience blows any of my expertise out of the water. I promise you! And I want you to know that I understand that. There's no way it's impossible for me, and no one can. I can never love your kids the way that you love your kids. There's just no way. I can't even understand what that feeling is. Right? My dad tells me he has it for me all the time, which is great! Like that's amazing, but I don't know that feeling. 


I promise you, I care about your kids. I care about every single kid in every single family, from every single parent that is watching this video right now. I promise you! I believe that your kids are the future of this country, and that's what I'm working towards because there are very serious things at stake here. We're going to get into this. I'm going to explain how dire the situation is and what we have to do about childhood nutrition, and how important it is. But understand, I don't know your struggle. I don't pretend to know your struggle. What I do know is biochemistry. I know biochemistry. I know the science behind all of this. I know how to change people's lives for the better. I know how to change the lives of kids for the better. I know how to change their health and nutrition for the better because I've done it before. That's my experience. 


Also, I was a fat kid growing up, so that's where a lot of this comes from. I mean, it's not a coincidence that I'm 31, and I own a nutrition company because I carry the pain with me that I've had since I was eight years old. Right. Um, and I talked a lot about that last week. I shared some stories last week, so some of you already know these stories. You might hear a couple of things you've already heard before, right? But I was a fat kid growing up, and that's where my unhealthy obsession began was trying to come out of that.

But I didn't actually learn about childhood nutrition and its full-blown importance until about four years ago when my family had a tragedy. So my brother and his wife had a baby who was born terminally ill. She's still with us. She's four years old. She just turned four. Savannah just turned four, but she is a hundred percent disabled. She was having hundreds of seizures a day when she was born. So she's a hundred percent vegetative. Through Savannah is how I first learned of the ketogenic diet, and it is being used foundations like the Charlie Foundation, which actually used the ketogenic diet as a therapeutic treatment for children with epileptic seizures and these cognitive disorders. Right? So that's how I first really got into keto and understanding nutrition for children. Since then, it's been my obsession. Once you go down that road, you see just how screwed up the nutrition world is for kids. When you start to put the pieces together, you realize all the consequences for the country as a whole, and it's pretty nuts. It's hard to look away from. 


All that I'm asking tonight is that you let me in into your living room. Please let me share with you my knowledge. There are going to be times when I get upset during this. There are going to be times where I get aggressive. There will be times when I have a hard time controlling my emotions because this means so much to me. So I'm asking you, please forgive me ahead of time. Please just allow me to share my knowledge with you as a nutritional therapist, as a specialist in sports nutrition, as a researcher, as a lover of biochemistry and someone who's been through the wringer with nutrition fitness for the last 15 years. Please just let me in your living room.


Forget that I'm not a parent for like an hour. And if I slip up, please, excuse me. I'm sure I'm gonna say some stuff that you don't like. I'm just telling you right now I probably will. So please forgive me. I think I'm legitimately asking your permission right now because I'm a little bit shaky about this whole topic. It makes me a little bit nervous because I've talked to many moms behind the scenes. The Clovis academy is mostly mommies. We have just all these awesome mommies that are engaging and do an activity every single day. It's awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So I'm asking your permission. 


It's going to make me feel better if one or two of you just drop me a comment right now and say, "yes, please continue." Tell me that you want me to continue. Okay. 


Jackie says, bring it in. Jackie is an awesome mom of twins. I'm just letting Jackie speak for all of you. Is that cool? I promise this is going to be really, really cool. I promise I will put 100% effort into making sure that you leave this Facebook live with information that you did not have when you first got here. I can promise you that's going to happen. Okay? 

So let's do this! How To Set Your Kids Free in 30 Days? I'm going to go back to my backstory. If you're in the academy and you've heard this, I apologize, but my backstory is I was a fat kid growing up. I was around age 11 that it was worse. It was the worst for me. This is where I would purposely bow out of activities that other kids were doing, like swimming, things like that. I didn't want to take my shirt off. The older kids would call me Doughboy. I've had had my shirt pulled over my head, and my belly slapped and called Doughboy. I've had grown-ups make fun of me. I got some grown-ups that yelled out of the window of their car at me and said, "run, fat boy", run while I was running down the street. I was a chubby little kid, and there was a lot that came with that. 


I now carry all of these painful memories in this like kind of body dysmorphia thing that you take with you. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there that feel the same way. Oddly enough, I had a great conversation with my dad about it, that he carries some of the same things, and I didn't even know that. I didn't know that till we get these videos out there. It's really tough. It's really tough being a fat kid. I hate using the term fat kid. And that's why I use bunny years because it sucks even say, but that's what it was. That's where my obsession started me getting really unhealthy in high school with fitness and terrible nutrition and all that. We'll get into all that. Obviously, the tragedy of Savannah. Savannah is the name of my niece. That's my brother's daughter. 


I just wanna let you know that we live this every day. Like my dad is amazing. He makes homemade baby formula for Tyler, who is my brother's youngest son. He's my newest nephew. Tyler is awesome. My dad makes all of their formula by hand. My brother, Steve, makes a lot of Tyler's formula as well. They're whizzes at it. Now they just make this homemade formula. Steve and I just last week went through an updated Savannah's formula. So Savannah's on a feeding tube, and the only silver lining is that you carefully control every ounce of micronutrient and macronutrient of everything that goes into this baby's system because you don't have to worry about the digestive process. 


You don't have to worry about the taste in the mouth, texture, or anything like this. Savannah's still digesting, obviously, but you're missing a large portion that is actually getting her to eat. It is very, very difficult, especially with the hundred percent disabled child. A lot of these babies with the same condition that Savannah has, an extremely rare genetic condition, end up with feeding tubes. We're able to carefully control what goes in that feeding tube. 


My brother and I sat down on Easter, actually, and we just went through Excel spreadsheets and my approved foods list from Clovis. A lot of you know what that approved foods list is. And now we carefully control exactly what goes in that feeding tube, which is awesome. Anyway, I just wanted to give you that little background information on why I'm so obsessed with this. And now we have some people who have contacted me over the last couple of weeks. People who have had a lot of success within the Clovis academy with their own personal transformation, their fat loss transformation. They want me to help with their kids because there's a lot of overweight kids. 


I've done a lot of work around this now, and I'm going to get to that a little bit later and explain some really, really exciting stuff that I'm working on, but I've been helping some parents with their kids. We have a video, right? Yeah. Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to pull up a video so you guys can see it in the Clovis academy. Some people share that we got some kids doing some crazy stuff. We have one boy that I want to show you that's had a pretty incredible transformation so far, and he's still kicking a**. Yeah, can you pull that up? 


Josh: Yeah. 


Justin: Yeah. Let's do the video of the kids.

It was great, man. Okay. This is Amanda's daughter, and she's doing a Pink Himalayan sea shot. So in the morning, I like to get people to take in some electrolytes, right? Get their electrolytes going in the morning. So we add this salt challenge. Take a salt shot. That's the little girl taking these salt shots. 


This is Crystal's little girl. She ate four eggs. She's two years old and ate four eggs, which is incredible. That might be the cutest kid in the world. Let's just be honest. That might legitimately be the cutest human being on planet earth. That's amazing! We have these Clovis kids inside the academy, and they had their parents thought this transformation was going to be difficult at first. Now they're passing it onto their kids, and they're teaching their kids new things, which is so incredible. I absolutely love it. It makes my heart melt is literally like, I know that I found my life's work because of this. 


Do you have a picture of Bryce? 


Josh: Yup!


Justin: Okay. I'm gonna bring up Bryce too. We'll talk more about Bryce's story as well. But this is Sean's son, Bryce. 15 pounds in 10 days. 15 pounds in 10 days. If you have a son daughter who's overweight, think about what 15 pounds in 10 days would do for their self-confidence. Right? Just think about that. It's absolutely crazy. We're going to get into this stuff deeper. Now, if you stay till the end. You've got to stay to the end. Because we're going to talk more about transformations and talk more about this new thing that I invented literally out of thin air. I developed something new. You'll have everything you need to set your kids free in 30 days. We also have a very special offer for you. And if you're in the academy, you know how these offers go. These offers are pretty ridiculous, but I need you to stick around to the end. Okay? 


So stick around to the end, and you're going to learn about this new program. This new thing that I've invented has not existed before today. So that's it! All you gotta do is watch this video. We're going to dive into the nuts and bolts of this thing now. 


Again, my name's Justin Nault. I'm a nutritional therapist. Look at it from that perspective. Forget the non-parent thing. All right? Thank you for letting me in your living room. Thank you for letting me share this knowledge with you. How to set your kids free in 30 days? It sounds like a weird statement, right? How to set your kids free. Like, what are you saying, Joe? Are you saying my kids trap? Like, what are you saying? Sounds like I'm saying that your kids being held, hostage. That's exactly what I'm saying. It's a hundred percent what I'm saying. Your kids are being held hostage by adults, kids being held hostage by their parents, by their teachers, by other parents, by doctors to being held, hostage. That's true! I'm sorry if that upsets you, it's true, but it is not your fault. You have to understand that this is not your fault at all. It's money. Okay? Billions and billions and billions of dollars have created this issue that we have with childhood obesity. 


Now the crazy thing is these billions of dollars spent, they're all marketing dollars, and they were not targeting you. They were targeting your parents. Millions of millions of dollars were targeting your parents to get them to buy the products they wanted you to buy to give them to you. To instil these habits in you, this whole, healthy whole grain food pyramid nonsense, right? They spent millions of dollars to convince your parents, so your parents will convince you. 


Now there are more millions of millions of dollars. We're talking about billions now over these multiple generations. There are more millions of millions of dollars being targeted at you right now, so you will instil those habits into your child. You are being manipulated. Understand that you're being manipulated. Now I manufacture products. That's what I do. I know marketing, and I've seen behind the scenes of manufacturing companies. I know how marketing works, and they're manipulating you 100%. They are using you with money. The manipulation is how low-fat drinkable, yoghurt and fruit juice are in your kids' daily diet and skim milk.

The only way that happens, it's so nonsensical. It goes against everything that the human body is made for. The only way that happens is through marketing dollars, unregulated marketing dollars. It's a huge, huge problem. It's literally genocide. I know that's a big, scary word. I'm sorry if it upsets. You turn me off if you want to. It's genocide. That's what it is! That's what these marketing dollars are. That's what these big food companies are doing. So understand that I am not your enemy here. If I say something that upsets you, I'm not your enemy. Big food is your enemy. When I say big food, what does that mean? Kellogg's, Kraft, whatever Dannon drinkable yoghurt, nonsense, right? All these giant companies that have billions of dollars in ad spend, that's your enemy. Big food is your enemy. 


I am not your enemy. Before we begin, I need everybody to do the same thing. We all need to admit something, okay? This is a big thing. Humility. We need to understand and acknowledge that for the last several decades, we've gotten it completely wrong. We need to realize that I had it wrong. My parents had it wrong, right? They absolutely did. But we need to be the type of growth mindset people to look at each other right now and say, "yes, yes, we screwed up. A hundred percent, we did. Let's fix it right now. What can we do to fix it before it's too late for my kids or before I have another kid, or before my kid is 18 and goes out into the world by himself? We need to instill some new habits in him." Okay? 

Think about this for a second. On this entire planet, there are two types of animals that become overweight and obese. The whole planet, all these different species of animals have two types of animals that become overweight or obese. 

One human beings, two the animals that human beings feed. Think about it. You have an obese house cat. You have a fat dog, right? That doesn't happen in nature. It doesn't happen ever, ever, ever, ever. It's only through human intervention. A feedlot cattle, these disgusting big, big fat animals with great marbleized fat, so you can serve it in a restaurant and call it awesome. A big juicy ribeye, Texas steak, right? That kind of junk, right? We make these animals fat. In nature, it does not happen. We're the only animal who eats the opposite of our genetic programming, which goes against our instinct and tries to trick Mother Nature. Tries to outsmart mother nature. We're the only animal in the animal kingdom that does this. I understand that. What I'm trying to do is get you back to where your body wants to be naturally. Get you back to where your kid's body wants to be naturally. That's all that I'm trying to do. Understand, I went out into the world and researched the hell out of as much as possible on childhood nutrition, childhood obesity, and the overweight epidemic in children. I couldn't find anything. Nothing! Do you know why? Because this is not natural. It has never happened ever before in the history of mankind. Has childhood obesity been a problem? This is of the last 30 to 40 years since the widespread adoption of the food pyramid, that's the government. Okay? They push this food pyramid and all these public school systems. It's literally like compounding interest on the food pyramid. That's what it is! It gets worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. What are we looking at now? Okay. 18.5% of all American children are obese. Think about that number. 18.5% of all American children are obese. 

Now I want to point out something very, very important that doesn't include overweight kids. It doesn't include overweight kids. We're talking obese. Do you know what obese means? The word obese means at least 30 pounds overweight. So 18.5% of kids are at least 30 pounds overweight. When you think about it, most little kids should be like, I don't know, 40, 50 pounds. They're 30 pounds overweight. 30 pounds overweight. If you get the 40 plus pounds overweight, that term is now morbidly obese, which means you're at a very, very high risk of death. So metabolic diseases start creeping in and all this crazy, terrible stuff you want to talk about. So 18.5% of American children are obese. 1 out of every 5 Caucasian American children will be type two diabetic by age 12. 1 out of every 5 Caucasian American children will be type two diabetic by age 12, right? And I think that statistics from like 2012, 2013. It's probably worse than that now. 

On top of that, African-American children. You're now talking 1 out of every 2, 50% of all African-American children will be type two diabetic by age 12. This is crazy. Never happened in the history of our species ever, ever, ever, ever. This is a new phenomenon, and all of a sudden, how did this happen? What's happening? We've had the food pyramid for 30, 40 years. It is not a mystery. It's no mystery, but the government refuses to change and big food up here lobbying. Spitting dollars down at all of your candidates to make sure nothing changes like these puppet masters. Right? I wouldn't be surprised if I got a death threat after this video. I'm not even kidding. So that's what's happening. Do you understand that? 


So one out of every two African-American kids will be type two diabetic by age 12. Now at this rate in 12 short years, if we keep going down this road, 12 years from now, 100% of America's GDP will be spent on caring for the sick. Now almost 100% of those sick people are suffering from metabolic disease. That means literally precisely what you think it means. Diseases associated with human metabolism. It means that things are going wrong. Things are going haywire, such as type two diabetes, fibromyalgia, IBS, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's dementia, ADHD, and even cancer. All are directly linked to metabolism, metabolic disease. These are metabolic diseases. 


What happens when a hundred percent of your GDP is spent on caring for the sick? What does that mean? It means the country collapses overnight. Just like that, 100% of all government-funded programs go away. Boom, no choice! Nobody has any say in the matter. All of the money goes away. All the government-funded programs go away. We have riots in the street like what happened in Greece several years back. That's what we're looking at. This is the importance of this. 

We're literally talking about saving the entire country. I want you to understand that children mimic parents. Children mimic parents and other adults. This doesn't just fall on the shoulders of the parents. You learn how your child should eat from other parents, from your loved ones, from your parents. You know, grandma's got this fantastic pasta sauce recipe, right? And doctors and all these people that are constantly telling you, people like me continually telling you what your kids should be eating. Right? It gets tricky, right? Because we know that there's an obesity epidemic, over one-third of the country for adults. Over one-third of adults are obese. And again, it does not include overweight. We're just talking obese, at least 30 pounds or more overweight. It's 33% of the entire country, right? That's crazy! It's like a hundred people that are obese, and little kids mimic parents. 

That's how all this is happening. We had these crazy government programs like play 60. You always see it on NFL. If you watch NFL on Sunday, right? Play 60, play 60. And they show Odell Beckham throwing a pass at some kid, and he's on a football field. He's running; get outside and play for 60 minutes. We're going to combat obesity by getting kids outside to play. If you know, my last video was to lose weight by eating more and exercising less. The same goes for children. Children don't think of them as children. They're little tiny humans. They're humans with the exact needs and all the same things that you do. So if exercise doesn't work for you and the adult obesity epidemic, why will it work for kids? Now, the problem is we have campaigns like play 60. You send your kid outside to play for 60 minutes, and then he comes in. You hand him a Capri sun and a Lunchable.

Here you go. Great job going outside and playing for 60 minutes. Here's your sugar, and here's your side of sugar. There you go. Better go side and play for another six hours to burn off that sugar. Burn off that sugar, which you can't actually do nonsense. Okay? 


That's the thing. We're giving kids Capri suns and Lunchable when they come in. At school, there are multiple snack times during the day you have snack time. You have lunchtime and snack time again. You have to make snacks because you're constantly spiking and crashing these kids blood glucose levels. So the high energy, low energy, high energy, low energy. It's like, you're trying to keep them alive by giving them an adrenaline shot with a granola bar every two hours, right? So you're spiking these kids' blood sugar. 


On top of that, we tell them that they need a bedtime. We have these kids' routines. Put your pajamas on. I'm going to read you a story. You have a routine, but then mommy and daddy stay up till 1:00 AM drinking wine. And, and the kids see this, right? It's mixed signals. Then, we tell them at a particular time, there are no more screens. You can't have any more screens. You got to turn the screens off. But the rest of the day, when they're annoying us, we put them in front of a screen to distract them. 

Here, "Okay, look, mommy's on the phone. Here's your iPad go?" 

So they're staring at this blue light all day long. It's suppressing their melatonin levels. They have no chance of being tired at the end of the day. It's like, you cut-off screen time 10 minutes before bed. Now you better go to sleep. If you don't go to sleep, I'm going to be mad at you. They can't. Their melatonin levels have been suppressed to daytime levels. They're not just trying to be a jerk for no reason.

We are programming them this way. It's constant mixed signals. Some days they're allowed treats. On a special occasion, you get a treat. Some days, we're going to tell you that you have to finish your plate of broccoli. Other days, we're going to come home with pizza because we don't feel like cooking. It's constant mixed signals, mixed signals, mixed signals, mixed signals. Now I want to teach you how to change the mixed signals. If you're in the Clovis academy, if you've seen transformations in yourself, transformation in your husband, your wife, your friends, you might be new. You might be three to four or five days in. You're still going through your detox, saying, "This Justin is crazy. I'm dying from no sugar," right? You might be going through that right now. I'm gonna teach you how to undo all this. And I want to remind you that this is not your fault. 

It is not your fault. I'm telling you. When you see me get animated, you see me get upset. Just picture that the other side of this face that I have right now is the CEO of Kraft. It's the CEO of Kellogg's. It's the CEO of Dannon. It's all these people who are pulling the wool over your eyes and spending their money. Spending billions of dollars to make sure that your kids stay sick. That's who I'm talking to. When I start doing this, I'm a fighter. I don't know how to not be a fighter. Okay? When I start doing this, that's what I'm talking to. I love all of you guys, and I care about your kids. This is super important. I'm going to get animated. I promise I'm gonna get animated.  

Let's check some comments and see where we're at. See if I lost anybody yet. 

I need to salt shot. 

Yeah. Lori. I'm sure that's the thing. There are a lot of people talking about kids now that I've seen these changes happen. Kids today are different. Kids today are different. In my day, my kids were... 


There is an excellent quote from a basketball coach. I can't remember who it is, but he's like, we keep blaming the kids. The kids aren't different. It's the adults giving them bad information that is different. It's compounding. As I said, it's just that we are doing what the rest of society is doing. You're feeding them the same way. Teaching them the same things. 


Josh, is there a reason why I can't see all the comments on this? 


You mentioned having to make it full screen. 


Expand the video should be able to scroll. Oh, here we go. I'll full screen it.

There we go. Oh, way better. Okay. Awesome. I got all these comments. 


Guys, I can see your comments. 


Yes, there is Sam. You're absolutely right. There is not enough research on it, but remember, there's not enough research because it's never been a thing. This is so new. We don't know what this is. This childhood obesity epidemic. We're all throwing our hands up going, "we didn't know what to do. How did we get here?"


We need to reverse it before it gets worse because it will only worsen generation upon generation upon generation. 


Oh wow. There are way more comments. Okay. Awesome. 

My nine-year-old said, yeah, I'll keep watching this. He has a logical explanation. Amanda's kid. I promise I have a logical explanation. We're going to talk about a lot of stuff. I'm gonna talk to you guys too. 

Okay. So let's take a look back. When you talk about beliefs. Beliefs are super powerful. Beliefs run the show. Particularly in this country, beliefs run the show, and people don't even know why they believe the things they believe. But parents, I'm talking to you right now because I'm gonna try to squash some of the fear here. We have a joke in the Clovis academy about kid dictators. Kids run in the house. Kids pick what goes in the cupboards. Kids pick what goes in the fridge. I get that. And I'm always super sensitive about it. I understand. I may be less sensitive tonight. I'm sorry. Okay. 


Belief number one. All right. Now what we're talking about is if you guys hand over trust to me and I help you help your kids. I help you help yourself. I help you help your kids. You follow a Clovis protocol. You do the things that I tell you to do to transform the health of your family and your household. The beliefs are that doing this is going to lead to inevitable consequences. 


Belief number one, I'm going to lose trust with my kids. Trust is a significant word. I'm going to lose trust with my kids. Up to this AMA, I spoke with many parents about this to make sure that I'm getting this right. There is some immense fear among parents with this trust issue. Now what that is, is how many of you think that your kids think of you like superheroes? Right? I remember being a little kid, and my dad would throw a baseball, right? He would throw a baseball up and throw it up as far as he could. My brother and I would grab my gloves, and we'd wait. I'd wait for 15 minutes for that ball to come down because my dad threw that ball to the moon. I had never seen a ball go that far in my entire life. Right? Dad, I think you're watching it now, but I remember being on Twin Lakes Avenue. You throw that ball up, and I thought that that ball went to God and God threw it back. That's literally what I thought. 


You think your parents are superheroes. Now you want to stay a superhero as long as you can. Your child's truth comes from you. Christian parents tend to raise Christian kids. Atheist parents tend to raise atheist kids. Conservative parents tend to raise conservative kids. Obese parents tend to raise obese children. And what do we call it when they do that? We call it genetic. Oh, my mom had cancer. I'm going to get cancer. No, 97% of all disease is preventable through lifestyle change. Oh, okay. 


See this. 97% of all disease is 100% preventable through lifestyle intervention. 97% of all illnesses. That means only 3% of all disease is genetic. Now, what has genetic become? The word genetic has become a catchall excuse. I'm going to have big hips because my mom had big hips. I'm gonna get cancer because my mom had cancer. I'm going to become a type two diabetic because my mom is a type two diabetic. No only 3% of all disease is genetic. 3%. Think about that for a second. When we talk about a hundred percent of the GDP going to these metabolic illnesses, this is what we're talking about. Fix the metabolic, fix it. But here's the issue. Your child's truth comes from you. You get afraid up until now. Amanda has a nine-year-old. Up until now, you've been giving your nine-year-old certain foods that you thought were okay. You didn't know better. 


These habits have been built. It's your truth. The concern is that you have been adamantly teaching them one way to do things. You can have orange juice for breakfast. You can have cereal and milk for breakfast. You can have fruit, right? You've taught them these things and you've taught them that they're good for them because you didn't know better. Now, again, it's not your fault, but this is what you've been taught. 


If I listen to this Justin guy and I try to change my whole household, my kids just going to look at me and go, "what are you talking about?" Have you been poisoning me for nine years? Really? And you're afraid you're gonna lose that superhero thing. You don't have all the answers, right? That sucks! The number one example I'll give you is a fruit because I still get pushed back about this in the academy. I still get pushed back in my email, my Facebook messages, direct messages on Instagram. Everybody wants to fight me on fruit. The fruit has to be suitable for kids. It has to be what you're saying is you're begging. You're not making a statement that it has to be good for kids because I understand biochemistry. That's not what you're saying. You're saying it has to be good for them because I've been telling them that it's good for them for eight years. "What the hell? I need to save face, dude. I got to go tell my kid that I've been feeding them incorrectly for nine years. I got to say to tell them that?" It's fear! That's what you're feeling. It is fear. Fear right here. That's the biggest thing. 

You're afraid to tell your kid you were wrong. Why? 

What's the number one question you get as a parent? 

Why? Why? 

You got to eat your vegetables. Why? 

Go to bed. Why? 

You can't play computer games for more than an hour. Why? 

You got to listen to your babysitter. Why? 

The question you get is why. 

The answer can't be because I said so. It can't be because I said so. After all, what are you doing when you say because I said so. You're not respecting your kid. You're hiding. You're hiding from the fact that you don't know the answer to a question. Saying because I said so is the same thing as saying, I don't really know, but that's the way it is. 

Do you see what I'm saying? That's the kids get their truth from you. So you have a fear that they're not going to trust you anymore, but what's the quickest way to earn trust? We're afraid of being exposed. The fastest way to earn trust is to tell your flaws yourself. What do we teach kids when they have a question. We have a question. You raise your hand, right? Raise your hand. So I'm just asking you guys, as parents, to raise your hand. Say you don't really know, say you got it wrong. Sit down and have a conversation with them. Okay? 

I'll give you an example, right? When I was a kid, we were very, very, very active. My brother and I played hockey for 10 years, and my brother played hockey for 10 years as well. When we weren't playing hockey, we played baseball. So when it wasn't wintertime, we played baseball. Now my dad didn't know any better. He just thought that we needed energy. My dad was my coach. He was my coach for all my little league baseball games, hockey games, everything. Right? So what he would do is he would take my brother and me to Dunkin doughnuts before games and practices. I remember this sitting in the back of a van. 


We would get chocolate, frosted doughnuts and Nesquick chocolate milk. That's sugar on sugar, on sugar, on sugar, on sugar, because of the food pyramid. Kids get their energy from grains and sugar and blah, blah, blah. And God forbid to give them fat. We needed sugar to get through these games, according to dad, right? So what happens is we're playing hockey for 10 years, and I still turn into a fat kid. I was super, super active. Dad didn't know any better. I ended up turning into a fat kid, and now I don't like my body. I'm getting teased. I don't want to take my shirt off. I'm having this horrible time as a little kid counting down the days so I can lift the weight. Dad wouldn't let us lift weights until I was 15. I turned 15, I start lifting weights. Now my dad and my mom never spoke to me about nutrition. They never talked to me about nutrition because they didn't know about nutrition. My dad didn't know about nutrition till three years ago when he started listening to me. When the roles reverse because my dad's a really humble guy. That's the thing they didn't know. They didn't know to talk to me about nutrition. 

I'm going to tell you what happens. I'm going to tell you some really crazy stories. I'll tell you a story about me. Once I start lifting weights, and my parents don't talk to me about nutrition. Now, I got to figure it out on my own. Okay? They didn't treat me like a little grownup and have a sit-down conversation with me about nutrition, but they didn't know. They didn't know, in fairness. So what happens? I become addicted to lifting weights. I become addicted to the treadmill. I started experimenting. My parents don't even know. Dad, you probably don't even know this. I started taking whey protein. I started taking whey protein during the day. I start taking a special slow-release whey protein at night. I was at work. I had a job to earn money. I started buying creatine. I started buying things like dextrose. I started supplementing sugar. Post workouts to try to get bigger muscles because muscle and fitness magazine said to do it, then came the dangerous stuff, a hydroxy cut. I remember having a subscription to Hydroxycut. 


I was taking diet pills. I was taking ephedrine which is now illegal. It is banned. The original iteration of Hydroxycut actually had ephedrine in it, so that got stripped off the shelves. And they came back with an ephedrine free version. I was taking ephedrine, and I was taking straight-up caffeine pills. A lot of caffeine pills. I'm telling you. Why? Because I had some pudge. I had a little bit of pudge, right? By high school, I wasn't that kid anymore. I was playing gigs. I was getting attention from girls. I was on the news, this crazy local musician, right? But I still had pudge. I could not get rid of the pudge. I couldn't look like the people in the magazines, and nobody ever told me how to. I just kept exercising and exercise and putting all sorts of chemicals on my body. 

I don't even know what I did to my body. I don't know what kind of long-term stuff I'm dealing with, but I didn't know. I didn't know, and I carry that body dysmorphia with me all the way to 31. I don't like having a shirt off now. I told that before, there are videos of me floating around online with no shirt on. Last week, we did cryo, and I was on Instagram with no shirt on. I hated it, hated it, hated it every second of it. You won't see it on my face that I hate it because I understand it is my position. Now I am the guy from Clovis. I get it. And I also understand that I have muscles. I get it. But my brain, I don't see it. I don't see it the same way you guys do. Right? I'm always going to see a chubby little 11-year-old kid at 31 years old. That's what I'm going to see. I go look at that guy in the picture. That guy has pecs and biceps, but it doesn't connect with my brain that it's me. It's literally a different person because I didn't learn this stuff. I had to figure my way through it. But dad and mom didn't know better, right? 


Now, fast forward. My dad is an absolute savage because he has listened to me for the last three years. We've revamped his entire diet. He went to a low carb, paleo diet. He lifts weights with me. He's now 59 years old with biceps, abs, and he can deadlift over 300 pounds. He's a monster. He's barely the same species as most 59-year-olds. It's ridiculous. You should see him with a chain around his waist and a 45-pound plate doing pull-ups. It's ridiculous, right? Because he listened to me, and he learned. 


Now, if you talk to my dad, he will be the first person to say, I got this very wrong. I used to make Justin cinnamon sugar toast on white bread for breakfast when I got him out of bed for school in the morning, right? He'll be the first one to tell you that he got it wrong, but you have to be willing to do that. That takes me to one of my favorite quotes of all time, which is to learn, unlearn and relearn. Learn, unlearn and relearn. We post this on Instagram all the time. It's one of my favorite quotes of all time. Learn, unlearn, relearn. You learn something, that's great! When new science comes out, and you have clear cut evidence, that is irrefutable. You change your mind, and then you relearn. Unlearn the stuff that was incorrect and relearn. 


If you talk to somebody from five years ago, I've been making nutrition plans for people for five years now. Think about that. It's crazy. When you talk to someone, I made a plan four or five years ago, I gave them all a cheat day. A cheat day. I said, go crazy, drink beer, drink Carvel ice cream cake. You'd get a blooming onion from Ruby Tuesdays because that's what my personal trainer at the time taught me to do. Right? I didn't know any better. So now you can't come back five years later and say, "well, dude, you gave me a plan five years ago. And you told me to do a cheat day. And now, you don't even suggest a cheat meal. This is crazy. I can't trust you." 


No, I'm humbly telling you. I didn't have information back then. I hadn't studied biochemistry. I didn't know anything about biochemistry then. I didn't know the damage of cheat days. Now. I know I have some new evidence, and my evidence is clear cut. You have proof of it in the transformations that I make happen. I know what I'm doing now. You get to learn from my experience. You don't have to guess, but learn to unlearn and relearn is important because this superhero mentality we have as parents is very dangerous. It's the same thing as people say, never meet your idols, right? Never meet your idols because they say you're going to be let down because your idols are usually celebrities. You don't see the ins and outs a little different now for our generation under me, like millennials and younger. We get to see our celebrities. We get to see them on Instagram. When they have meltdowns, crazy Kanye West stuff, all that. We get to see some behind the scenes stuff. But generally speaking, it's like these celebrities, you don't want to meet them because you're going to be let down. Their flaws are exposed, right? That's what parents are afraid of. They don't want their flaws exposed. 


I was talking to one of the moms in the group. I'm not gonna throw the name out there. But she said you don't know what it's like. You're sitting here telling me that sugar is trying to poison my kids with sugar. They're trying to poison my kids, poison my kids, poison my kids. You don't know what it's like to wake up and look in the mirror and look at yourself and say, "I'm the one poisoning my kid." That's what she told me. It breaks my heart, man. I get it. I get it, but you didn't have the information. You can't beat yourself up for that.

Now you have the information. You have the information, so you have a moral obligation at this point to do better for these kids. That's what it is! It's a moral obligation. Once, you know, once you know the truth about sugar and carbohydrates and all these things, you have a moral obligation at that point, help your kids out. But you need to sit down with them as little grownups, and you need to talk to them about it. 


Let me give you a testimony. We're going to bring a picture up for you too. Yeah, do we have that picture? Uh, Bryce? 


There's Bryce. All right. I wanna explain something to you. Sean came to me. She and her husband have had incredible transformations. All their clothes are fitting different. They've lost a couple of pounds. Sean likes to comment about how she's lost a whole bunch of inches, but not a whole bunch of pounds. She has to get it out of her head to get on the scale. Right. We were talking about the scale. So she has Bryce on board, and she gave me permission to share this picture and everything and tell you Bryce's story. 


Bryce is now down 15 pounds in 10 days. That's 15 pounds in 10 days. Think about that! Okay? Now, look at that picture, right? This 15 pounds in 10 days. Do you know what this is going to do? Do you think that Bryce doesn't trust his mom? That he's going to have less trust in his mom after this? Think about that for a second. Right? 


I know Sean herself has experimented with different diets and all these different things. The whole rollercoaster thing that everybody's had their whole life. So trust me, Bryce is seeing the rollercoaster. He's seeing mommy tried different things like rollercoasters and everything. I'm sure mommy's been pretty adamant that one way of doing things is the right way at other times. Right? And then maybe change their mind. 


I want you to think about it. Mom has introduced Bryce to the Clovis protocol. Justin didn't. I didn't and introduced Bryce to anything. Bryce doesn't know me. Bryce isn't in the Clovis academy. So now, mom has introduced a new way of life to Bryce that has changed his life for the better. He's lost 15 pounds in 10 days, and he's super excited to get fitted for his tux for prom. He has prom coming up. She said he's crazily excited, and it brings tears to her eyes because of how excited he is for this prom. Because he feels good about himself. He feels good about his body, right? Do you think that he's going to turn around and not trust mom? Or do you think he's going to trust mom more? Right? He's going to see that mom admitted that she got this wrong, and she taught me how to fix it. And she sat down, and she talked to me about it. She introduced me to a whole new way of thinking, a whole new way of eating. She helped me set up an app. She helped me track, and I lost 15 pounds in 10 days. And now I'm super excited. I feel good about myself. Are you kidding me? I mean, these are like lifelong memories that are never going to go away. 

You're getting closer to your kid. Do not worry about losing your kids trust. If I look back now, like my dad allowing me to transform his health, I trust him so much. That's the kind of role model I want. Someone who will raise their hand and humbly admit I got this wrong. Can you show me differently? Raise your hand. That's what dad did. 


Dad said, man, Justin, you've gone deep with this research stuff and your body's changing, and you seem really healthy, and you seem super happy. I think I want to learn this. That's a role model that I get. You know, that's my role model raising his hand, saying, "Justin, I'm really sorry. I got this wrong." Dad will probably tell you right now in the comments he got it wrong. He remembers the cinnamon sugar toast that he made for me. 

He remembered having a pancake eating contest with all my cousins, right? I have the household record. I had 13 pancakes in one sitting. I'm not kidding. That's a real thing, and he'll tell you about it. He knows he was wrong. 


Now, when dad comes back to me and lets me transform his life and says, "yes, son, let's do this together." I have memories with my dad that most people will never have with their dads because we get to work out together. We get to exercise together. There's my dad doing ARX. That's great. There's my 59-year-old dad. That's about a 2000 pound leg press, by the way. He's an absolute monster. We have all these great experiences together that we wouldn't have had. I trust him more than I've ever trusted him before. That's a fantastic role model. Someone who puts their hand up and says, I got it wrong. And then sits me down and says, let's talk about this. Now, what would it be like if here I am at 31 years old and I'm healthier than I've ever been? I'm happier than I've ever been, and I talked to my dad about it, and he goes, "Yeah, you got lucky. I had it right. I did it the best I could for you, kids. I did everything in my power to make sure you were healthy. And I stand by that decision. You needed that toast. You needed that doughnut before hockey." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My trust for dad would go out the window. Instead, I want that role model who stands up and admits when they were wrong. I debated talking about this. I'm literally talking about this because parents get really sensitive with me really, really quick if I even hint that they've done something incorrectly, but I'm telling you, it's not your fault. 

You have to get past that whole "We've done something wrong." 


Stand up and raise your hand and say, "okay, dude, there's an obesity epidemic among little kids, and I want to help. I want to help. I don't want my kid to be a statistic. I don't want my family to be a statistic." Raise your hand, raise your hand. I'm right here. I'm right here, Raise your hand. I got you. I'll talk to your kid, whatever you need. Okay. Let's fix this together. Your kid will trust you more. I promise, but it can't be a dictatorship. It can't be "well, mommy, last week I could have fruit and this week I can't?" 

"Yup. That's just the way it is. Sit down and eat it or go to your room." Those days are behind you. Okay? Come work on this together. Let's take a break, and look at some comments. 

So that's belief number one is that I will lose trust with my kids. How many moms are with me? 


Dad is awesome. Yeah, you go, dad. Oh, dad, don't be ashamed. You're silly. See, there's my dad. No, paleo pancakes, no. When we were kids, we did not do paleo pancakes. They were 100% flour pancakes cooked in Crisco hydrogenated, industrial seed oils. Disgusting! Right? About as bad as it gets, literally as bad as it gets. 


Bryce is doing awesome. Great, Amanda! This is awesome. 


Yeah. Anna, it is an incredible way to build trust in your kids. Bryce is my hero too, Crystal so is your little girl for eating four eggs. That's great! I ate four eggs today. It's hilarious! Awesome. 


My kids all know you. 

Cool! I want to know your kids. That's awesome. Yeah. I always say, mommy. I still call my mom mama.


This is awesome. 


Great! Laurie, we can't change the past, but we can change the future. Absolutely, absolutely. Absolutely! That's so huge. We can't change the past, but we can change the future. That's what we're working towards together. I promise I'll help you in any way I can. 


I have a one-year-old and two-year-old and starting them young. Awesome! You have a much easier road ahead of you. Now I say have a much easier route, but Jackie would disagree with me because Jackie knows she went through some stuff with her little twins, but her little twins are drinking digest and rest paleo powder. And that's amazing, amazing! A friend I've had for over 10 years, I invent a product for her little kids to drink. 


Heart explosion. I'm lucky I don't die right now with that amount of happiness in my heart! It's ridiculous. 


Four kiddos, four kiddos. I've been so guilty as a teacher. Tiffany, yes. We've talked about this. The parents in such crap, snack and lunch. I can't control that. I know it's gotta be tough. Tiff, we've talked about that a lot. Mom of four. 


Lynette, awesome. Yeah, Lynette has been really active in the academy too. We're really happy to have you. 

Four-year-old stole paleo powder and loved it. Awesome! 


My dad gives it to my nephew. We do paleo powder instead of a fun dip. Give a spoon, licks it, dips in the paleo powder and eats the powder. All right, cool. 

I want to keep reading the comments. I got to get out of comments for a second. 


We're going to get into number two. Belief number two, if I do this Clovis protocol. Yeah. Okay. Let's see here. We're going to write number one. First of all, just so you guys have this, right? Can you see this up here, Josh? 


Josh: Yup!


Justin: Okay. Number one is I will lose trust. Okay? Do you have any other markers? We'll see. Give me the red one. We already did this, right? Okay. I will lose trust - handled. That's belief number one. That's not true. You're going to gain trust with your kids. If you do this correctly, you will gain trust. 


Number two. This is a big one. Don't get sad yet. It's only gonna get worse from here. I'm sorry. I don't want my kid to be different. I don't want my kid to be different. That's huge! 


Again, before I do these kinds of episodes, I talked to as many parents as possible, and I know this to be true. I spoke to my own brother about it. I don't want my kid to be different. What does that mean? I don't want my kid to be different. I don't want him to not eat the same thing as the other kids eat. I don't want him to not believe the same things as the other kids believe. I don't want him to be the weird kid with kale chips in his lunch box. I don't, God forbid. Right? I don't want that. 


Here's what I have to say to you. If you are an overweight parent, you have an overweight kid, and you don't want your kid to be different? Newsflash! Your kid already is! Your kid is already different. Trust me! I've been asked how I know. Ask me how I know how different you feel when you're an overweight kid. How different do you feel? Because it's tremendous. 


If you don't want you to be different and they're overweight, they already are different. Now, if you're an overweight parent, I want you to think about something. Take a second and think about all the times in your life when you feel intimidated. Think about all the times in your life when you don't feel a whole lot of self-worth, and you don't feel good enough. Think about the times you feel afraid. Think about social settings that you don't like to be a part of because you're overweight, and you know it. You don't like what you see in the mirror. Think about that if you're overweight. If you have an overweight kid, understand that they feel all those same things you're feeling, but they're feeling at times 50 because they don't know why it's happening. 

They don't have self-awareness. They don't know why they're feeling these things. Emotions are so difficult. Think about when you're a kid going through puberty. What the hell? What's happening to my body? This is crazy! I don't even understand this, right? They don't have the life experience that you have. They haven't read self-help books. They haven't met a Justin. They haven't listened to Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins, right? They don't know these things. They're just dealing with all these intense emotions. And what are they feeling? What are they feeling? Different! What do different equate to? Different means alone. That's fear. We talked about this last week. Being alone is the root of everything. We want to belong to a tribe. We're genetically coded to belong to the tribe and make everybody happy, so we can continue to belong to the tribe. Right? That's what this. Being different means being alone. 

You don't want your kid to be different. You think it will isolate them, but it won't. This is short-term thinking versus long-term thinking. What do I mean by short-term thinking versus long-term thinking? It is my number excuse from my parents. You're going to love this because if you're someone who said it to me, you're going to go, "oh, that's me guilty." Right? And you've never thought about it like this. I tell people to clear all the junk out of their household. Get your kids off sugar, get your kids off carbs, get them off fruit, get them off fruit juice, get him off dairy, all that nonsense junk that doesn't belong in their body. Get it out of the house. Get them off of it. Change their habits. They say the same thing every time.

But what about Christmas? 

What about Halloween? 

What about when we go to a birthday party, and my kid's the only one not eating cake? And they're going to think he's weird because he's not eating cake. 


Okay? Listen, if you go to 50 birthday parties a year, you still have 315 days that you can feed your kid perfectly. If you feed your kid perfectly for 315 days, you can give him a piece of cake. I'm giving you permission to provide them with a piece of cake 50 times throughout the year and all these birthday parties you go to because you are a socialite. I don't want to trade places with you at all. I would hate to go to 50 birthday parties a year, right? Think about it! 315 days a year, you can feed your kid perfectly, and then you go to Christmas. I don't care! 


If you're feeding them perfectly the rest of the time, let grandma give them an apple pie. Let grandma give them Hershey's kisses or whatever else. And then he's going to feel like crap and go, "mom, why do I feel like this?" And you get to go. "You feel like that because you ate poison, Jr. That's why." And then they get to understand. They learn! Don't talk to me about Halloween and Christmas and birthdays. Don't talk to me about that. What are you talking about? This is a tiny little percentage of their life. It's insane! So what you're doing is you're grasping at straws, so you don't have to do this. I don't want to do it. I don't want to get rid of the sugar. They're going to hate me. I'm going to clean up the refrigerator, and they're going to hate me. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. 


What about Halloween? And I'm sitting here going, "you don't know how you just sounded", you know? Oh, that's the thing. It's this short term mentality. What's the truth here? You're saying I don't want my kid to be the weird one that doesn't eat cake. That's what you're saying out loud. What are you saying in mind and heart? If you look at me and say, I don't want my kid to be the weird one that doesn't cake, let's think about mind and heart. What are you really saying? I don't want other adults to judge me. That's what you're saying! Can we all just be honest about that? We're all afraid of judgment, right? We are terrified of judgment. All of us! 


We're genetically programmed to be afraid of judgment because judgment is bad. The tribe of 150 people who live in tents and share the bison that they killed, right? That's where we come from. Our ancestors, the paleolithic era. We're supposed to want to be part of the tribe where we want to belong. We don't want to make waves. So you don't want your kid to be the one that doesn't eat cake because you don't want other parents to point out that you're depriving your kid. You're depriving your kid of not giving them a cake. Okay. Give them a cake, dude. Just make sure you don't have cake in your home. Sugar is no longer a special treat when you have sugar every three hours, 365 days a year. 


You're worried about other parents, teachers. You're concerned about other parents. You're afraid of opinions, right? I don't want to send my kid to school with an avocado, shaker bottle with paleo powder and macadamia nuts. I don't want some teacher to tell me that, "Oh, don't you think that's a lot of fat. Don't you think that's a lot of fat for junior?" 

What are you talking about? This woman doesn't know biochemistry should teach her. Her speciality is not nutrition. It's like doctors. I love teachers. I respect teachers. I love doctors and respect doctors, but that's not their expertise. They don't study nutrition. It's like asking a boxer how to throw a leg kick, right? I'm sorry if you're not a fighter. That's just a term that I use. But it's like asking a boxer how to throw a leg kick when you ask a doctor about nutrition. It's crazy! 


Don't ask a teacher about nutrition. Don't ask a doctor about nutrition. I'm a duelling piano player, don't ask me how to be a professional bass player, right? Different things. Remember that you're not afraid of your kid being different. You're scared of you being different and being called out on it. You don't want other parents to judge you. You're very, very afraid of judgment. Everybody is! 

Now, think about it. There's a great movie to watch. Watch Captain Fantastic. The whole Clovis team, we were talking about Captain Fantastic. Great movie! Go watch it right now. It's amazing. This dude raises his kids in the woods, teaches them how to hunt and fish and climb and rock climb. They live in a tent, and he teaches them all about American history. They're homeschooled. They ended up way smarter than all the other kids. But then there are these scenes where they end up in civilization at dinner parties with family, and it's super awkward. 

Hey guys, do I have audio? All right! We're back. Really though, think about it and be honest with yourself. This is a big thing about Clovis. Honesty, humility, right? Be honest with yourself. You're worried about other parents judgments. 


Just checking, are we good? All right. We're all good. Cool! 


I'm going to tell you a story about this, right? It's like number one, trust. We already handled trust. So what's more important being a superhero who's never wrong is always correct and never questioned? Or to be a good role model? To be a good role model. Right? Absolutely. Yeah. That's the correct answer! It is to be a role model. Okay? If you disagree with that, we probably couldn't be friends in real life. That'd be really mean to you. 


But anyway, number two, is it more and prioritizing other people's opinions of your parenting? Or to prioritize your child's health? Which one's more important? Duh, your child health, right? 


I'm gonna tell you a story. I don't know if my mom's in this room. Guys, I'm probably about to get in trouble. Family politics, but anyway, so my mom's going to hate that I tell this story. Sorry, mom, I love you. I love you. Let's talk about judgment. My mom does not handle judgment well. She takes things very, very personally. We've talked about it. She wouldn't have a problem with me telling you that she takes things personally. It's true. A lot of moms do. So mom and judgement, when I'm your son, you're going to get a boatload of judgment thrown at you. A boatload of judgment. Why? Because when I was a little kid, I wanted to be a standup comedian. I was obsessed with Jim Carrey. He's my idol. 


I had to be the center of attention all the time. Always performing and always the center of attention. I want to be a professional hockey player. I want to be a standup comedian. By the time I was like 13 years old, I had a backyard wrestling league. I built a ring in my backyard and had cameras, filmed it and produced my first TV show. I had a weekly TV show on public access. Kids would come over, and we set up benches, so we had a live audience to watch us wrestle. Then we had a TV show every week that we would play, and kids from school would watch it. They knew our names. They knew our entrance music and everything. By the time I'm 16, I'm a professional musician. I'm getting paid 150 bucks as a high school kid. 150 bucks an hour to play the piano, and then I go to Berkeley.

Now I'm in my twenties. Now I'm on reality TV. I got an album out. I run a YouTube channel. I'm on reality TV. Now I'm 31, and I have Clovis. Trust me! My poor parents have had to deal with a lot of judgment because I'm a big, big dreamer. I do things big. I don't know how to do anything besides the big, right? And people have a judgement on that. The family has judgment on that. Family can be the biggest source of judgment. They really, really can, and I've seen it. I'm not bothered by it, but I see my mom get bothered by it. I'll give you an example. When I was a little kid, and I had to be the center of attention. I had to be the center of attention. They were friends over. Mom had friends over. I'm going to run in wearing a fricking dress. I don't care what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna do something. Whoa. Right? I'm going to get the center of attention. 


My mom's own sister used to always say to her, "he's a middle child, and he really needs a lot of attention. And I think he has issues." Word for word. I think he has issues. Think about that. What is she saying? She's not judging a little kid. She's judging the mom, and she's doing it on purpose. She's doing it to be hurtful. This is what other grownups do. A lot of grownups are in a lot of pain. They're not happy with the decisions that they make, and they project that on other people. So that's the thing she tells my mom, "you're a little guy. He has middle child syndrome, and he has issues." My mom was devastated. She lost sleep over that.

My mom used to tell me that story 10 years later. I go, "yeah, you know what I did? I had a lot of issues. I didn't tell you about the issues." 

Now, here I am. I still like to be the center of attention. I'm a professional entertainer. It's what I've done for the last 15 years, right? But that judgment always crushed my mom. Today, do you think the judgment has stopped? Not even close! When Clovis happened, I started doing these transformations. These same family members are going to my mom and going, "how dare he start a nutrition company? What credentials does he have? He's not a doctor. He's going to tell people how to eat. He's not a doctor." 

First, I don't know how everybody just automatically thinks that doctors are good at nutrition. You can be a doctor in literally anything, right? Some people who graduated from Berkeley college of music that I went to that are doctors. Let's just talk about that. Really she would have these things happen. Where does he get off doing this? Where does your son get off doing this? They're not judging me. They're not judging Justin from Clovis. They're judging my poor mom. They're projecting to my mom. What did you do to raise a son who would make videos, trying to help people when he is not a doctor, right? Judgment, judgment, judgment, judgment, judgment. How many of you were afraid of judgment? I'm sure insecurity. Truth. People can be awesome. That's exactly what it is. It's judgment, right? You're all afraid of the judgment of other people, and your kids are paying the price.

Let me walk you through something. I'm afraid my kid is going to be different. I'm so scared my kid is going to be alone. If you have an overweight kid, I'm going to tell you something. You are so worried about the judgment that you'll receive as a parent. You're forgetting that your kid is already being judged every single day by his peers. The ones that matter to him, his peers. You're so worried about your peers and your kid's busy getting judged by his. He's, or she is getting laughed at. They're getting laughed at. They're getting picked last. They're afraid to run around at recess. They're avoiding activities like swimming. They don't want to take their shirts off. That was my thing. Your kids getting judged every day while you're arguing with the PTA over whether avocados are a health food. Think about this! That's all I got to do is think, think about it logically. What are you worried about? Whose needs are you putting first? If you were the kid, it sucks. It sucks being fat kid. It really sucks. That's me! 

It sucks! When I was that age, you don't think that I looked at that picture and understood that I had roles. Of course, I did. You don't think I was getting my belly slap and getting called Doughboy by the older kids that I couldn't beat up yet. You bet your a** and beat them up now because I have a complex. I'm not calming. I know it sounds funny, but it's precisely the truth. That's how I know! You're worried about this, your kid being different and alone. According to who? According to parents? How dare you give your kid an avocado? You're worried about judgment.  


I couldn't be happier that I'm different, right? You're not afraid of your kid being judged. You're so scared of you being judged. Let's be honest about that. It's very, very important. Let's check some comments here. 


How are you guys feeling? 


Love you 12 year old, Justin. 


Thank you very much. 


Yeah. Many moms in the academy want to beat up all the people who picked on me. That's pretty awesome. You guys are the best. Thank you. 


If you guys have any questions or anything if I'm getting too heavy, or anything like that? Let me know. I'm sorry. I get worked up with this stuff. Yeah, that's a big deal, being different. Move on from that. 


So this belief of being different or being alone, right? This is done. We went through this. Your kids are already feeling different and alone if he's overweight. It is your job to help pull them out of that. It is your job to make this go away. Okay? That's your job. 

Let's go into number three. 

We dealt with number one - I will lose trust. No, you won't. You will gain trust by being honest. Honest and humble with your kids in treating them like adults. 

Number two - I don't want my kid to be different. I want my kid to be alone. We've already handled this. If you have an overweight kid, they already are. Stop being afraid of parents' judgment. Stop being afraid of doctors, teachers, parents, siblings, whatever! Stop. Put your kid first. Put your kid before your feelings. 


Number three - this is going to be too hard. That's what everybody says. So have many people in the academy who are six weeks or eight weeks in, and we've had incredible transformations. We've already shown you, Micah who lost 52 pounds in eight weeks, and we had Crystal 22 lost pounds in that same eight weeks. We had Katie Thompson, who lost 22 pounds in six weeks. The wizard, Josh, lost 40 pounds in 60 days. 40 pounds in 60 days, can you imagine that? All of you thought it was going to be hard at first. You thought it was going to be too hard. 


Now the messages I get all the time, I am free. We talked about it in the academy. I am free, right? People are saying, "this could not be simpler. I had no idea how complicated my life was. I didn't know until I knew now. I know life is simpler. Because what life used to be is what's for dinner? Do I have enough ingredients to make Junior's favorite meal? Do I have to stop at the store? Is it a subway night? Is it a pizza night? Is it a taco bell night? Is it a McDonald's night? Is it this, that or the other thing? Well, little Jimmy, he only eats Mac and cheese. Little Susie only eats hot pockets. My stubborn husband only eats steak and mashed potatoes. My trainer has me eating brown rice and lean chicken breasts. Now I get to make four meals, and this Justin guy is telling me that I should just pick a few foods. And somehow, that's harder. That's harder. That's way harder, right? Way harder? No! The variety you have is killing you. The variety you have is killing you. It's killing your kids. You know, you can do better, but what's the go-to? Well, as I said, little Jimmy likes Mac and cheese. Little Susie enjoys hot pockets. Husband loves mashed potatoes. So you say, "okay, instead of mashed potatoes, let's do sweet potatoes. Now, we liked doing fried chicken as a family." Let's fix this.

Let's fix our standard American diet, the SAD diet, by the way. SAD diet means standard American diet. Let's fix it! Instead of fried chicken and white flour and industrial seed oils, vegetable oil, canola oil, we're going to fry our chicken in almond flour and avocado oil. Instead of normal bread, we're going to make almond bread. Instead of normal pasta, we're going to have gluten-free pasta, and we're gonna do this, that, and the other thing. It's all more expensive. It's all more complicated. You have recipes and ingredients and all this. You're making it too, too hard. Simplify, simplify, do simple. I got in trouble for using profanity. So do simple stuff. Okay? Do simple stuff. Keep it simple stupid. I've always loved that term, KISS. Keep it simple stupid, right? 

So we have testimonies. 

On day one, I thought it would be impossible. Now I can't picture going back to it. We had that one quote that was my refrigerator is so much simpler. I have so much less in my fridge, but I have so many more options.  


Let me tell you what I mean by this. Let me walk you through a typical kid day. I have talked to parents like I said, spoke to Josh about this. Josh spoke to his friend about it. What do you have? You have a little kid who wakes up. Tell me how complicated this sounds. 

Wakes up. Eat cereal, probably with skimmed milk. 1% milk. You might try to switch it to whole milk. Well, I'll just get them off skimmed milk. Justin says fat is good, so I'm moving to whole milk, which literally has 12 grams of sugar a cup. Go look at your container of milk and look at how much sugar is in there. It's gonna blow your mind, right? 


You start them off with a big bowl of sugar, with big dowsing serving of more sugar in liquid form. They eat all that sugar, and then they go to school, and they're super hyper. Super hyper for the first couple hours, and you tell them to sit down and be quiet. Roll call. Yup, I'm here. A couple hours later, you got to stop for snack time. What's for snack time? Goldfish, Fritos, little single-serving bags of Doritos, right? Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. Let's spike their sugar back up and hope they'll pay attention. Okay? Now you spike their sugar up, so you don't have kids sleeping in class. A couple hours later, it's lunchtime. What's for lunch? Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. White bread, peanut butter and jelly, chicken tenders or maybe if you're lucky, they have pizza. These kids are drinking soda and CapriSun, and Lunchables at school. It's crazy! 


Apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. Okay. Bowl of cereal, milk, snack time, sugar, carbohydrates, lunchtime, sugar, carbohydrates, sugar carbohydrates. Then you get outside. You go, "go run it off. Jr. Go burn off all that sugar." 

They go outside and run. Let me tell you something right now. These kids, the alone kids. They're not out running. They're finding a place to hide. Fat kids don't run in public. I did, and two full-grown adults stopped their car and yelled, "run, fat boy, run". That's what happened to me. Do you think I ran again as a fat kid? I went out and recess and ran? Hell no, that didn't happen. No way! Right? 


These alone kids, these are the ones that don't go burn off anything. Not to mention that it's been sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, all day. You could have your kid go run a marathon, and he's not going to burn off the sugar that he's eaten that entire day, in half a day or in six hours. Right? They have lunch, go to recess, another snack time somehow. In elementary schools, there's like another snack time. Here's another granola bar or Fritos or whatever else, right? Then they get home from school. What's the first thing they do? They run to the refrigerator, run to the cabinets and cupboards for snack time. They need their after-school snack. God forbid they go an hour without eating carbohydrates. So they get their after-school snack, which has a granola bar or pizza. When I used to get home from school, I'd do pizza bagels. My brother and I would do pizza bagels in the toaster oven. Right? Or I do pop tarts again after school. I want these brown cinnamon Pop-Tarts after school. Awesome. Great. More sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. A couple hours later, it's dinner time. Now, you know your kids are picky, so you only give the kids what they want. Chicken tenders or pizza or whatever. As I said, little Susie only eats hot pockets. Jimmy only eats Mac and cheese. He's too picky. Well, it's better than nothing. Letting him eat his Mac and cheese is better than nothing. No, it's not. Let your kids fast. It's way better than eating Mac and cheese. I promise you. One of them can cause cancer, the other one can prevent it. Which one do you think is which? Think about it. 

Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. All-day long screens, screen, screens, laptops, phones, iPad. This, this, this, this suppressing melatonin levels. Blue light all day long, sit down and shut up. Fluorescent lights in school, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. Guess what, kid? It's bedtime. If you come out of that room, you're grounded. Does this feel easy or complicated to you? It's sugar all day long. Why do you think kids are so much work? Think about it. You're setting yourself up for failure. I can see this from the outside looking in because I'm not a parent. Because everybody likes to tell me you don't know what it's like. Their behavior is up and down and up and down. One day they're an angel, and another day they're crazy. You're spiking their blood sugar all day long. You're giving them injections all day. Literally, they don't stand a chance with their behavior. They don't stand a chance. There's no chance of them stay in focus. There's no chance of them being in a good mood all the time. Right? So think about it. 


Here's how we know this. Think about your day as an adult. You wake up, grab a bagel, try to grab a shower, try to get the kids ready, have a mocha Choco latte bulls*** from Starbucks, right? Drink that stuff down, get to work, and then a couple of hours later, you're crashing. You're getting that mid-day crash. Five-hour energy when that came out. Avoid the midday crash five-hour energy. That's their whole marketing thing! A midday crash is a well-known thing. Midday crash, you need to go get another cup of coffee. What are other moms and dads have? They get hangry, right? Boyfriend's like to joke about their girlfriend getting hangry. Wives like to talk about their man getting hangry. Hangry is a carbohydrate spike and crash. You have the crash; you get hangry, right?


As I said before, if you're an overweight person, you're feeling alone and scared and all this stuff, your kids feeling two times 50, the same thing goes for these biochemical processes. When you're having a sugar spike and a sugar crash, and you're feeling really crappy. You feel like you need a cup of coffee. You just don't want to see anyone. All these moms are posting on Instagram all the time. Instagram, don't talk to me before I've had my cup of coffee. 


Here's my meme: Don't talk to me before I've had my cup of coffee. You're grumpy because you haven't had sugar. It's not a caffeine thing. It's because your cup of coffee is a cup of candy, and you're not willing to admit that. This is what you have to understand. Your kids are going through this. Your kids are like, why do I feel awesome? Oh my God, that granola bar was amazing.


And then two seconds later, I hate you, teacher. I'm not doing anything you say. This is crazy. I'm going to sleep right now. Huh? Take a nap on a desk. There's no chance. You're making it harder for yourself. You have to understand that. Simplify. If you can simplify and fuel these in the right way with essential healthy fatty acids for sustained energy. No blood sugar spike, no blood sugar crash, no insulin spike from the pancreas. Do you want to talk a bit about science? Let's not spike their insulin all day long. Let's keep them nic even healed. Believe it or not, I'd rather give your kid Bulletproof coffee for breakfast than give them Cheerios. That's right! Call the police. I just suggest that you give your kid caffeine. If it's from the whole ground, coffee beans from a wonderful source? Absolutely! Give them a little bit. It is much better than Cheerios. I promise you. Let them take a bite of a stick of butter and send them to school. That's better than Cheerios. 


Give them sustained energy. It's like a log on a fire instead of kindling. Right? Let's help prevent these spikes and crashes and simplify in the house. When I first went paleo, what I did was I tried to take all my foods and make them paleo. As I said, I would fry chicken. When I say these things like, "oh, you're frying chicken and almond flour and avocado oil."

I did it all. I did it all, or even worse, I would do a 30-day paleo challenge. Crush a 30-day paleo challenge, and then be like, "I'm going to eat this entire cheesecake. And I'm going to drink some Jack and Coke, and it is going to be awesome." And then I would do an hour flip-flop back and forth, right? I just didn't understand that this is like a lifestyle that I'm supposed to adapt and continue. Everybody always asks me about it after 30 days. Do you want to go back to your old way of life after 30 days if I cut 18 pounds off you? Do you want to go back to your old way of life? You're a crazy person. Why would you do that? Right. It doesn't make any sense. 


When you talk about introducing little things here and there. Yeah, sure. You have to think about it, like stop trying to fix it. Right? Stop trying to fix the traditional American diet and just replace it. It's broken beyond repair. If your diet and your child's diet is damaged beyond repair, don't try to fix it. Replace the diet completely. Now, when I say to introduce something to your kids, I'm saying is sit down and have a conversation with them. Again, not a dictatorship. People say my kids will resist. At first, yes. Sure they will resist. They will ask you the why question. You get to answer the why question. Treat them like an adult, have a conversation and let them choose. Continue to let them choose what they want to eat but give them minimal options. Some people are saying, "I don't want to waste money. You say I need to clear up my house and clear out my cupboards. But shouldn't I just eat this fruit first? I mean, I already bought it." 

No, you shouldn't. Go give it to Goodwill. Put it in garbage bags and take it to Goodwill. Take it to a homeless shelter. Get it out of the house. Then there are no options. There was a girl in the academy that said this to me last week. My daughter said, "mom, where's all the food?" 

And she said, "What are you talking about? There's plenty of food in the house." That girl ate venison meat. They had venison meat in the freezer, and she just ate deer meat. Because it's what was available. It's no longer this thing of, you're holding a box of hot pockets, and you're holding a chicken breast, and he'd gone, "Ah, not anymore. Let me throw this in the trash in front of you because I'm a devil person." 

No, that's not what you do. Just remove it from the house. That's it! Make it nice and easy. 

For example, give them a few choices, but treat them like an adult. Let them choose options for breakfast. Let's say you have, "Hey, you can have eggs. You can have bacon. You can have avocados. You can have macadamia nuts. You can have pea cans. You can have paleo powder. You can have a digest and rest paleo for breakfast before you go to school. You get to pick." 

Nowhere in there did I say Cheerio's or cinnamon toast crunch. It's just not in the house. If you don't want to eat, you can fast. That's not a bad thing. The only fountain of youth that we have in this world is resistance training and fasting, but that's a whole different story, usually for grownups, right? 


For dinner - beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, fish, whatever, and a couple of green veggies. Which one do you want? Pick. You still get to pick little dude. I'm not going to dictate this for you. You get to choose whichever one you want, and then they go, "I want fish sticks." 

"We don't have fish sticks. I'm sorry. They didn't have it at the grocery store. I don't know. Say whatever you want." 

Use mental tricks. You can gamify this stuff. Up until now, these kids have been manipulated by marketing companies, teachers, doctors who didn't know any better. They didn't know they were being manipulated, but they were being manipulated in a really unhealthy way. Right? Eat this fruit. It's good for you. You eat this fruit because it's good for you. 


Let's manipulate them in healthy ways. Game-ify things. If you game-ify things, you will get a better response than you would get from the dictator approach. Here's what I mean by that. Breakfast for dinner. If your kids are like four or five years old and you tell them that they're going to have breakfast for dinner, they're like, what? What is this craziness? I'm in the Twilight zone. This is awesome. Yup! You get eggs, and we're going to make bacon. You're going to have breakfast for dinner because it's just food. Eat food any time of the day. Breakfast for dinner is a great way to do it. You can do this trick. I've done this with my nephew before. I bet you two bucks. I can eat more than you. Especially little boys, little competitive boys. He's five years old now. He's playing little league, and you try and tell him I'll bet you five bucks. I'll bet you two bucks. I'll bet you one buck, whatever it is. I bet you a buck. I can eat more than you. 


You have a plate full of nothing but Turkey and green beans. I bet you I can eat more than you. His eyes are going to light up. Okay. Let's do it. Boom. Right? He doesn't even realize that he's eating something delicious. He's just wanting to win this bet, right? 


Another great thing that people do is taco night. I love, love, love the idea of taco night. All you do is throw a big taco night. You lay everything out like it's a buffet with spoons. You can put this and that and the other thing. And then mom, dad, or parent magically forgets tortillas. They forget the hard shell taco shells. They forget all of it. They don't go get Coconut tortillas, which are great, by the way. But you don't get those and instill the habit of you're still eating a taco. Your little kid doesn't know the difference between that wrap and a non-coconut flour wrap, right? That's the thing, don't just instill these same habits over and over and over by trying to replace them and make them paleo. Do a taco night and have fun with it. Get messy with the food. I have a little food fight if you want to, right? But it's all 100% paleo options. You can do a taco night like that. It's very, very simple. So little things like that game-ify it. That's all you have to do. You can change your habits. 

Oh wow. Okay.


You can change these habits. Little by little. Okay. If your kids are old enough to understand, I highly recommend you check out the documentary Fed Up on Netflix. I heard that this is going to be there for a limited time. Watch Fed Up on Netflix. It's pretty awesome. We're already 90 minutes into this thing. Really? That's crazy! Okay. 

I was going to tell you one little story. I'll let you know about the wizard, Josh and his transformation. He's got this thing with his kid, Liam. He used Zevia. There's Liam drinking Zevia. He used Zevia to change Liam's habits. The way he did that was you get to have a snack now. Liam wanted a carbohydrate sugar-filled snack. He said, "No, know you can have this turkey. We have turkey. You can eat turkey. Now, you can eat this turkey, and you can have Zevia with it." 


So he drinks Dr Pepper Zevia, which is totally allowed. It tastes it's like Zevia. That's him laughing and saying, "it tastes like Dr Pepper." So now he knows there's a mental trigger than any time he wants to drink Zevia, he's going to eat Turkey too. Now he eats turkey and Zevia. Josh asks him what he wants for dinner at night. What do you want for dinner? You can have this, this, this, this, and Liam says eggs. I want eggs. And Josh makes a big deal out of it. Awesome. Do you like eggs? Yeah. We're going to cook eggs for dinner. 

Right? He can eat eggs every single meal. Literally, I've been eating eggs every single day for over five years. My health is pretty good. I promise you. They don't need all this crazy variety. If you take them out to McDonald's, you know what Liam's going to get. Every parent knows that. Well, this kid gets chicken nuggets. This kid gets a big Mac. They want the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over. You always tell me how picky your kids are. They only eat these particular foods. You only have to replace four or five foods after a few weeks. They don't even know. Their little brains don't even know. They just eat eggs now. There's never any sugar in the house. Okay. Cool. All right. 


Anyway. We banged all of these out. We banged I will lose trust. I don't want my kid to be different, and this is going to be too hard. We handle the two hard stuff. It's actually much, much easier, especially once you get into it. It's much, much easier. 

Okay. Let's check the comments. We still have people in this group. Yeah. We still got people watching. Wow. Sorry about that. I did not know that we were over 90 minutes. This is totally, totally crazy. 


We're over 90 minutes. Let's look at some. 


My toddler wants to eat eggs and bacon every single day. 

Yes, awesome. That's awesome. That's what I'm saying; they will love this stuff. 


Thank you for my hair comment. That's awesome! 


Don't trick them into making the same bad choices with substitutes. Exactly. That's fantastic.


I want to come over for taco night. 

That'd be awesome. 


I totally had breakfast for dinner tonight. I thought bacon kept you awake at night. 

No, not somebody made that up. 


My kid's favorite breakfast is dinner. 

Yeah. Awesome. Make it a game. 


Thank you guys for watching for 90 minutes. I'm really sorry.

Let's get into some other stuff here because I went way over, and I've stolen a bunch of your time. I got super animated and super upset and all of the things. Here's what I want to do. I need to talk to you about something. I created something that does not exist. I have created a program for Clovis kids. I want to get your kids in Clovis. I want to get your kids over into a healthier lifestyle that they can carry with them forever so that they don't have these same pain points and all these things that I deal with. A body dysmorphia at 31. Let's try to fix that now. 


This is Clovis kids. Let me erase this for you and talk to you about this. This has taken me years and years in the making to figure out how to do this. Deep, deep dive on research, trying to figure out if there is anything we can do for obese kids, and the information is just not there. It is simply not there. It's crazy! 


Here we go. So here's what we're gonna do. I want to help your kid to be healthier. We always talk about an offer. I'm going to give you a big surprise offer tonight. That's going to be incredible. We're just going to do it tonight. And first of all, I'm going to walk you through a couple of things. Perfect Paleo Powder is 100% acceptable for your children, right? I highly recommend it. Jackie's little twin babies. They drink, digest and rest every day. They freak out if they don't get it. They go running for the bottle. They drink the chocolate digest and rest, right? The cacao flavor. 


What I want to do is make paleo powder accessible as you start this journey with your kids. So one, we're having a contest. Understand we're having a game for all the families that adopt the Clovis lifestyle. So get in the Clovis academy, and I want you and your family to document. Take videos of your new meals, take videos of you eating together. Take videos of people playing outside together. Take videos of your kid doing electrolytes salt shot, take videos of your kid drinking your paleo powder digest and rest, right? At the end of the month, we're going to give away prizes to all families who have been part of this transformation. I care about your family so much, and I want these changes to happen. I'm just going to give you prizes at the end. We're going to pick one family for a fantastic prize that I'm not even going to tell you about. All you gotta do is participate. It's going to be a lot of prizes and one big, giant grand prize that we're gonna talk about, which is gonna be crazy. 


Tonight, we did a fat loss special last week, so people got their hands on many bags of fat loss. We are going to use that same tech. Thank you guys so much for being fantastic with the tech and being patient with us and Josh and Anna. The Clovis team took care of you guys in a fantastic way. I love them. They're amazing. I'd be totally screwed without them. We can do this again tonight. We have a special for you tonight. I'm gonna walk you through this. 


We have the fat loss formula. This is for the grownups because it does have caffeine in it from coffee beans. Fat loss is $79.99. And then we have digest rest. It's a lot like fat loss does not have caffeine, perfectly acceptable for little kids, older kids, adolescents, teens, whatever children of any age. This is $59.99. We have both of those for sale tonight, but I want to walk you through a couple of things. 


I have invented this protocol that will give you a few things. 

Access to a new website.

Access to We now have This is a membership only site. You're going to get access to Now, when you have access to, it comes with a few things. It's going to give you access to the website. You're going to get access to the thing that I have invented that I haven't told you about yet. This is the only macronutrient calculator for kids that exists in the world today. I took a tremendous amount of time and scoured clinical studies to develop the best way to do this. I will run macronutrients for all of your kids. All the kids in your family, right? Now, to be clear, the macronutrients are for you. They're not for your kid. Macronutrients, calories, all that that's for you. You just get to go through it, and I will help you create meal plans for your kids to match their macronutrients, so you can feed them without teaching them to track numbers. Teaching them to track numbers is a quick way to eating disorders. We're not doing that, but I will let you understand what your kid needs to be eating. 


I will tell you in all the time I've done this in the last six years, I have never met a kid who eats enough. Never! I've never met a kid who meets their caloric needs ever. So your kid is under-eating. Even if they're overweight, they're under-eating. I'm telling you because calories don't work the way you think they do. I'm going to give you access to Clovis

I'm going to give you custom macros for all of the kids in your family, so you can understand what their body needs and what you need to provide them with as a parent. As you're eating together and you're documenting and doing all these things for the contest because you want to win a grand prize. Your custom macronutrients for our kids. You get an approved foods list for your kids. You get the kids' approved foods list, and you get exclusive video content. Again, this is a members-only website that you're going to have a special login for. You're gonna get a special login to That's where you get the exclusive video content. That's where you'll get the macronutrient calculator. That's where you get access to me to help you meal plan, to help meet your kids' macronutrient ranges, to help you do this, to help change your kid's life for the better, to help you clean out your cupboards, give you the approved foods list and we're going to literally change your whole household. Change your entire family. Okay? That's what I want to do tonight. 


Now, again, $79.99 for Fat Loss, Digest and Rest are $59.99. What's that? 140 bucks. If you were to buy these two bags, Fat Loss for yourself, Digest and Rest for your kids. You're going to get that for 140 bucks. Tonight, what I'm gonna do for you is offer this if you use a hashtag. What's our hashtag? All you have to do is in the comments section. Some of you know this you've been down this road in the comments section #buycloviskids.

#buycloviskids. This is the Clovis kids program. All you have to do is hashtag #buycloviskids. Now these two bags alone with none of this are $140. What I'm going to do tonight is I'm going to give you all of this. It's a special offer for you. Let's see.


I'm gonna give you all of this. You get these two bags, $140 value, access to, custom macronutrients for all your kids, an approved foods list for your kids, and exclusive video content. All you have to do is #buycloviskids, and I'm going to give you all this for $97. That's it!

Exclusive membership, $97. You'll get a bag of Fat Loss for you. You get a pack of Digest and Rest for your kids, and you get access to all this. I'm gonna run custom macronutrients for all your kids. An approved foods list, exclusive video content, and a new forum where you can communicate with other moms and dads, parents, all this. So $97, that's it. $97, boom. If you are on my website right now, I'm trying to buy these two bags. You're looking at $140. I'm going to give you all of this for $97. All you have to do is type this hashtag in your comment section. #buycloviskids. That's it! A whole new program is what allows me to change the world. Okay? I need you to understand this. You guys know that I've been doing Clovis academy forever. I try to respond to all your comments. I get a ton of Facebook messages. I get 60 plus emails a day. I've run 250 plus custom macronutrient plans in just the last 60 days alone. I love it! I love that you guys are losing weight. I love that your clothes are fitting differently. I love that you have to go to the store and go shopping for new clothes but this is my whole heart. This is how we change the future. This is how Clovis literally changes the future of the country through your kids. You're the gatekeeper to your kids. You're allowing me into your living room right now. You're letting me on your computer screen to try to help your kids, so your kids don't feel alone and all these things we've already talked about. So all you have to do tonight #buycloviskids. $97 would be a one-time charge. We'll take care of everything on our end. We'll give you access to the exclusive, where we're basically building our own Clovis academy that's just for kids. For parents to take care of your kids, and change your whole household. 


How are we looking on time, Josh?

Josh: We are right now 100 minutes.


Justin: We'll probably wrap up. 


Josh: Yeah, I think you can go through a little bit of the people in purchasing. You can talk through a little more of the comments.


Justin: Okay, let's see. How are we looking over here? Great. Awesome. 

This is so cool. Anybody who is purchasing right now. That's awesome! If you guys have any questions, let me know.  


Here's what I'll do. Look, we've been at this for a hundred minutes. I don't want to just wrap up on you without taking any questions. If you have questions about this, go ahead and shoot them right now. Just start asking me to comment on the Facebook feed. I think there is there more than one feed where all the comments go on this feed? All right.


Josh: Yeah, they're all on the Clovis Culture.


Justin: All right, they're going to be on a Clovis culture. Okay. If you guys have questions or anything about #buycloviskids. If you guys have any questions, $97, #buycloviskids, leave me some comments right now. I'll turn this in so I can read them. 


As a former fat kid, you're the best. 

Yes. Former fat kids unite. 


It's such a wonderful opportunity. 

Thank you, Cindy. Kelsey, I cannot wait. Love this. 

This is so cool. 

Yeah, Desiree, thank you for answering. 

Anna, I'll run macros for all your kids with one membership. You got four kids. I'll do them all. No big deal. I'll run macros for every single one of them. 


Do I pay for each kid? 



Can I still get access? 

Amanda, what do you mean can I still get the access? 


I want toddler shirts more than you even know. 

Okay. We can talk about some toddler shirts. That'd be really cool. 


Again, this is going to be like an all in one approach. Everything that you've seen me do in the academy I'm going to do for these kids. Okay? I'm going to do it for all of your kids. All the kids in your family are in a custom macro. We're going to run through an approved foods list. An approved foods list is going to be a little bit different, which parents are probably going to be upset about. How come I don't get to eat that? Right? We'll make that a little bit different. Exclusive video content, that's going to be really cool. You guys can share videos with your kids or pictures. Like the videos we have, the salt shots, trying digest and rest and all these things. 


Are we able to get access without purchasing PPP? 

It's not in the budget right now. 


There will be access to, but it's going to be more expensive than this. This price is definitely going to go up. If you think about it right now, the price just for Clovis kids alone is actually going to be above this price that comes with the Fat Loss and Digest and Rest.

So just keep that in mind. The price is definitely going to go up. 

 Kids macros, this is pretty interesting. Countless equations and countenance calculations are done to determine macronutrients for adults. As I said, this obesity and overweight epidemic with kids is so rare. This has only existed for the last 30 to 40 years. That there are very limited clinical data about the number of calories that kids need. I did a deep dive, curated all of the best studies, found out the best way to do this. Literally programmed an algorithm myself. Built an algorithm to get your kids custom macronutrients. Now, you know that Bryce lost 15 pounds in 10 days. Trust me, I know what I'm doing here. If you have an overweight kid, this is the single best thing you can do for them. 


I'm sure. Yeah. Kathy, if you commented with a hashtag. Yeah, it went through. I'm sure it went through. 


Josh: Explain to them what Swell is or about that payment.

Justin: Yeah. Okay. What's happened with Swell. This is if they already did the link, right? Or do they have to do it again? 


Josh: Just let them know, you know? 


Justin: Come over here. He's the wizard. 40 pounds in 60 days, father of two. 


Josh: Okay. If you did comment last week, right? If you did your hashtag and you did #buyfatloss. When you signed up and you did that whole process. The reason why this is so cool, and the reason why we did this in the first place. All you have to do is put in the hashtag and keyword, the keyword that we gave you tonight, and it will charge the card automatically. There's going to be a Facebook message, a follow up just like we did last week. We'll get flavors. We'll do all that stuff. We'll make sure all the details are correct. We'll just follow up and get everything for you. But that's the beauty behind this. It's just super easy, super quick. You do the hashtag, and it charges your card automatically. If there's anything, details, anything, a card failure or anything like that, we'll message you. And we'll get everything taken care of. Nobody will lose the deal. Okay? 

Justin: That's the wizard. That's why he's the wizard because I don't know how any of that stuff works. It's amazing, though. I know that I get to give you all of this for $97, and I'm super pumped about it. I know that I'm going to get to engage with your kids. I'm going to make videos for your kids. When your kids do something cool, let your kids know as well. As you guys are in here on and you start sharing videos and sharing pictures and stuff. Understand you're going to have other little kids. All the little moms might videotape their kids. You know, Liam might make a video for your kid saying, you've got to try the Zevia Dr Pepper, right? We can talk about kids changing each other's lives and a support system for these kids. You have an academy with over 500 members.

This is a 500 member support system that you have. Let's give this to our kids, right? There's an obesity epidemic among adults and their support systems everywhere. There's a $24 billion supplement industry trying to take your money every second. What are we doing for kids? Let's get kids that same support system. I want Liam to say, "what's up, Doug? I heard you like Zevia Dr Pepper too." Awesome. It's my favorite drink. This is so cool. And then like each other's pictures, right? Let's use social media for good. Let's use the social media platforms that get so much bad press these days, right? Let's use social media for good. Let's make some changes. All you have to do is type #buycloviskids. #buycloviskids 

That's it. It's nice and easy. Tag a friend. If you want a friend to get this deal, tag them in the comments right now. Bring them here. Let them know that they get all of this. This is two bags for $140. If you have Fat Loss and Digest and Rest right now, and you like it, you think you're going to reorder in the future. Are you kidding me? It was $140 to get those two bags. Send your kid to school on Digest and Rest. Watch how his day changes. Send your kid with the shaker bottle to school, with lunch and avocado, macadamia nuts, and a serving of Digest and Rest. Watch how their day changes. Give them Digest and Rest hot cocoa every night. He did that for him, hot cocoa every night. They're going to think it's candy. It literally tastes amazing. It's like the best hot chocolate I've ever had. I do it myself. It's delicious. Right? 


Help your daughters. 

Yeah, Desiree. Absolutely. 


When you come into Cloviskids, we can talk about all the same things.


Listen, your kids are humans. Your kids are not kids. Don't think of them as children. They're tiny little humans. If I can rebuild someone's gut microbiome and cure it. I literally reverse things like ulcers. I've reversed type two diabetes. Yes, literally. I get in a lot of trouble for saying that, but I've helped people get off insulin completely. I don't care what the doctor tells me; I can't say that. They can go to hell, right? If I can fix your digestion issues, I can fix your gut microbiome. I can do the same thing for your little kid. 100%. Why? Because it's a human gut. It's not a little children gut that needs different probiotics, right? It's no. Literally, I can fix all these same issues. So anything that I've helped you fix in the Clovis academy. If you're losing weight, I can help your kid lose weight. If they're overweight. If your kid is little, I can help your kid gain muscle, right? Gain muscle. 


If you're like, "Man, my kid is teeny tiny. He's in the bottom 5% of his age. I don't know what to do. I just can't get him to grow." He's malnourished. Let me help you work through this. Let me help your kid get bigger, right? Do you want to raise a little football player? Do you want to raise a Tom Brady? Let me show you how to do that. Okay? 


That's all I'm going to do. #buycloviskids. $97. You get all this. You get access to I don't know how long this $97 is going to be good for. I know that we're going to run this out indefinitely but not the deal. We're not going to run the deal indefinitely, but we're going to run because I've never been more excited about something. I'm actually going to push this way pretty hard.

In the future, the membership for just without the bags of Fat Loss and Digest and Rest the price is definitely going to go up. It just has to. You guys know the Clovis academy has 500 members right now. There's no way for me to keep up with all the comments, messages, and emails. I am, but one man, I'm trying my best, and I really, really want to be able to focus here. This allows me to focus. I really want to focus here and make as much change as I can. Okay? That's all I gotta do #buycloviskids. Thank you guys for being with me for literally two hours. This is crazy. Does anybody have any questions?  


We'll talk about the contest in the Clovis academy, Kathy. Don't worry about it. 


What else have we got?


Lynette, look at your Facebook messenger. If you haven't hashtag before and you have hashtag now, then you're going to get a message. So it's going to go through your Facebook messenger. 


You're very welcome, Kelsey. Thank you. 


Josh: Tell Desiree it's just a one time purchase. 

Justin: Yeah, Desiree. This is a one-time purchase. This gets you in. this. That's what I'm saying right now. This right here, this is your access. This is the only time that it's going to cost this. So that's your access to Clovis kids. If you do this, #buycloviskids. You're done. That's it. You're done.

Woman: Can you address Abby's comment at the top? Talking about split households.

Justin: Yup. That's tough. That's really tough. Okay. Abby, that's super tricky. Here's what you do. Your daughter's nine years old, right? Okay, cool. So my fear is starting this, and since we have a split household, which is very common these days. Since we have a split household, the weekends at dads will ruin all of our progress. Six and nine years old here. I don't see him getting on board. There's a reason he's next. Okay. Think about this.


Yea, Desiree. That's actually a good thing. At least you still have five of seven days, right? You still have five of seven days. Don't worry about the ex. Treat your kids like grownups. Sit your kids down, right? Explain to your kids that some foods are poison and some foods are not. Now, I understand when they're with dad, they might only have poisonous options. And that's really, really tough. I'm sorry, but we're going to treat this like we would treat birthdays. As I said, if you had 50 birthdays a year and your kid ate 50 slices of birthday cake over the year, they still have 315 days of doing it perfectly. This is all the more reason for you to literally get rid of your entire house of any sugary poison. Remove it from home. Sit the girls down, tell them that you want this to be a real change. You can show them this video. I can make a video for them. Once we get into Clovis kids, we can talk about all the benefits of this. We will talk about how great they're going to feel. All you need to do is educate them. And then you have a nine-year-old to help a six-year-old when they're at dads. A nine-year-old and a six-year-old can tell dad, "Hey, mom makes us this chicken, and we want this." That's what we want, right? So, I mean, you get to be the good guy here. You get to teach them to ask for what they want. Maybe they can have a conversation with dad that you can't have with dad because of the X situation. Treat them like tiny little humans who are brilliant, right? That's it! 


Yeah, Ana. Use your voice. Teach them to use their voice. Okay. They have the right to ask for whatever food they want to ask for. And your ex needs to, to be cool with that. And if he's not, that's a real problem. And you can address that down the line. But, yeah, it's a big deal.

Some are better than none. 

Yes. Jackie. 


Dad's house. When the kids go to dad's house. 

Yep. Brett. Okay. Brett asks the same question. Yeah. That's it. 

So, Brett, exact rundown. I don't know exactly how old your kids are. 

Yea, you treat them like little people, teach them how to use their voice, teach them how to ask for what they want. Teach them what's poison and was not poisoned. Teach them what real food is and not real food. Right? Teach them, sit down, let them know. Don't just switch things up in your household and then send them to dad's house or mom's house or whatever with no tools. No tools in their tool bag on how to deal with this. It's just, "oh, okay. I guess when you're there, you eat whatever you get." No, no, no, no, no. You should have the conversation and have the conversation with the ex. I know it's an uncomfortable conversation. I'm sure. 

Niece and nephew. 

Oh yeah, yeah. Okay. Brett, Brett, you guys are all connected. Got it. Got it. Yeah. Awesome. 


Well, I mean, that's pretty much the only advice I can give you there. It's really, really tricky. I know that that's a tricky spot to be in. But again, you have them five to seven days. It will slow down progress. I'm not gonna lie to you. If they get hit with a bunch of sugar every weekend, it's definitely gonna slow down progress. So that's something that you want to try to handle. Have the conversation with the ex, or try to have the kids have the conversation with the ex. That's really all I can say right now. 


Max age for kids. The macronutrients for kids is up to 17. The macronutrients are run differently up to age 18, but from age 14 on, I give them the same macronutrient split. The way that I calculate those macronutrients are different. 

There are ages three to five, ages 6 to 14, ages 14 to 17. Now, again, I built all this. This is my algorithm. This is my algorithm. These are my macronutrients that I made up. I created these things out of my personal research, and I promise you it's the best program that has existed for kids ever. Understand how powerful this is going to be. Now, from age 14 to 17, their macronutrient split will be the same as yours. But their macronutrients and their caloric need and all those things are calculated in a much different way. So from three to five is way different from six to 14 but 14 to 40, not so different in macronutrient ratios. This, I hate to say it this way, but this is kind of for me to know. There's no way for me to explain this to you. It's just a mountain of research. It's a mountain of research. That's why I turned it into an algorithm. 


So my 19-year-old would have my food list. 

Yes. A hundred percent. Your 19 year old would be. 


My ex is jumping on because Bryce is doing awesome. 

Exactly. We talked about this. Always approach this from a place of love, even if it's with an ex, right? Even if it's with an ex, I love that. That story is fantastic. All you have to do is live by example. Don't push on people. Live by example. Abby, you might have your nine-year-old and six-year-old change your ex's diet. It could happen, right? I don't know what kind of dad he is. I can't comment on that. I'm not gonna get into the personal stuff, but really, I mean, you might end up changing his life through your kids. Your kids can change the world. That's the whole point of this. They can change their friends' lives. You can have other kids running home to their mom going, "you know, junior gave me the avocado, and it was delicious. How come you don't give me avocado? How come you only give me Doritos?" Right? So you never know. All right.


What else have we got? 

Yes. Ripple effect. Shaun ripple effect. Incredible, incredible, incredible. 


Yeah. That's going to make Bryce really good. That's pretty awesome. I know that me going through all these nutrition things, memories and stuff I have with my dad. Biohacking, weightlifting and nutrition and all these things and Sunday dinner and making paleo dinners and keto stuff that we make, whatever. It's just incredible memories. It's awesome. Does anybody have any questions? Any more questions about the #buycloviskids? Let me know. Go ahead. Hit me. Any questions you got? I'm pretty excited about this. I cannot wait to get started with Clovis kids. I can't wait to start making video content. It's really cool. All the videos are in the Clovis academy with little kids are my favorite thing ever. Okay. We're probably what two hours now. 


Yeah, we're over two hours. I hope that we did well for you guys. We went through those three beliefs.

I will lose trust in my kids. 

I don't want my kid to be different.

This is too hard. 

Let's just touch on that those three things. I hope that we squash those fears for you. If you have any other fears about why you wouldn't start your kid on this program or why you wouldn't start yourself on the program or join the Clovis academy or anything like that. Just let me know. As always, I am personally available, it might take me a couple of days, but I am personally available at I will do my very best. Email me at We're on Facebook. Obviously, you're watching us here. We're over at Instagram @iamclovis. You can find me just Justin Nault on Facebook. 

Join the Clovis academy. Email me. I hope I squash all these fears for you. If I didn't, I'm happy to go into further detail. As always, give me new ideas and new topics for AMA next week. We do these every Wednesday, 8:00 PM central. Ask me anything, Number 14. This is going to go up on the blog. There will be a blog post of this and a podcast. Yes. 


The perfect podcast with Justin Nault. That's on Google store, on iTunes. It's on Spotify, basically, everywhere you can find podcasts. You can search Justin Nault. You can find the perfect podcast, all these AMAs and some additional episodes. We're going to start doing interviews. We're going to start doing rants. Daily rants of me just driving in my car, going. This is crazy, right? Me just being totally animated and ridiculous as I think of things while I'm driving.

We have a lot of ideas for that podcast. We're going to launch a lot of content there. Subscribe on iTunes, subscribe in the Google store. Check us out on Spotify. Follow us on Spotify as a playlist or whatever you need to do. Just check out The Perfect Podcast with Justin Nault. That is me. Thank you guys for listening. Thank you for listening to me there. Thank you for being in the Clovis academy. Thank you for all the invites today. We went over 500 members in the Clovis academy, which is fantastic. I love the academy. Love it. It's the only reason really that I'm on Facebook is Clovis. It's fantastic. 


Again, #buycloviskids. I don't know how long we're going to bring this up. Let your friends and family know, tag them in the comments, tag as many people as you can with kids you think would benefit from this. And just tell them about this hashtag #buycloviskids. This is the deal here. Show them this. Screenshot, whatever you got to do. Everything they're going to get. We're building a new life for your kids, and you get a bag of Fat Loss while you're at it. Even if you just want the Fat Loss and Digest and Rest for yourself. That's normally $140, but it's just $97 tonight. 


That's all you gotta do is #buycloviskids. 

Thank you, Lynette. 

Thank you, Cambria. You're awesome. 

Thank you, Desiree. 

Thank you, Kelsey. Yes. Awesome! All right. Well, thank you, guys. Two whole hours. Thank you to everybody who stuck with us on this. Again, my name is Justin. I own Clovis. I will continue to work with you guys as much as I can. I will comment. I will like, I will share. I'll answer all the messages, all the direct messages, all the emails, everything. I'm doing my very, very best. I want to put as much effort as I possibly can right here for you guys. Try to help me spread this word. Thank you for hanging out with me for two hours. I'm probably gonna shut this down because I can feel my voice starting to go now. I got to sing this weekend, as you guys know. So, uh, thank you guys so much. Yes. Thank you, wizard. Thank you, Anna. You guys are fantastic. All right, until next week, this has been Ask Me Anything, Facebook Live Number 14, How To Set Your Kids Free in 30 Days. Thank you for spending two hours with me. I love you guys. All right. See you next week.

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