Keto Ice Cream Recipe - Fat Loss Ice Cream - Clovis

Keto Ice Cream Recipe - Fat Loss Ice Cream

Keto Ice Cream Recipe - Keto Fat Loss Ice Cream:

• 2 Cans of Full Fat Coconut Milk 

• 2 Teaspoons of Vanilla Extract

• 1 Teaspoon of Peppermint Extract 

• 2 Scoops of Fat Loss Vanilla Paleo Powder

• ¼ Cup of Raw Honey

• 20 drops SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia (this is the only stevia product I recommend!)

• This recipe is suitable for The Perfect Paleo Fat Loss Powder (Cacao & Vanilla) 

• Whisk or blend ingredients in a large mixing bowl 

• Pour mixed content into a container and place in the freezer

• After 2 hours, take the bowl out of the freezer and stir contents with a spoon

• Place back in freezer until frozen to desired ice cream consistency 

• Your ice cream is then ready to serve!

• Serves 6 people

 Optional: Pour mixed contents into Ice Cream Maker 

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