In Case You Missed It #1 - Thyroid Health - Clovis

In Case You Missed It #1 - Thyroid Health

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Thyroid Health: A Second Opinion

Standard of Care: The standard of care for Thyroid issues in America is abysmal. Here's what the Docs will do...
  • Test TSH only
  • If you're lucky, they will also test T4
  • These numbers don't tell you much.
  • It is entirely possible to show normal TSH and T4 and still have thyroid issues.
  • If the Doc suspects thyroid problems but they are not severe enough yet... They will wait until so much healthy thyroid tissue has been destroyed that they can put you on a medication... for the rest of your life.
  • You read that correctly... They will allow a small problem to get worse so they can give you medication.
The Tests You Need:
  • TSH
  • Free T4
  • Free T3
  • Reverse T3
  • Thyroid Antibodies
Note - I HIGHLY recommend you get a qualified Functional Medicine Doctor to help you interpret these results! Hashimoto's:
  • 90% of people with hypothyroidism also have Hashimoto's
  • Hashimoto's and thus hypothyroidism is an autoimmune issue!
  • Inflammation suppresses HPT Axis
  • Inflammation decreases the number of thyroid hormone receptors in the body and decreases their sensitivity.
  • Inflammation decreases the conversion of T4 to T3 (the active thyroid hormone)
  • No amount of medication will fix the problem until you address the underlying issue of leaky gut and inflammation!
  • Medication without Lifestyle Interventions is like putting a band-aid on a splinter without removing the splinter first.
What You Can Do - Lifestyle Interventions:
  1. Remove Autoimmune Triggers: Gluten, Grains, Refined Sugars, Soy, Dairy (Gluten is #1 Offender!!)
  2. Remove Toxic Chemicals from the home! (Get my Approved Products E-book!)
  3. Focus on Gut Health: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Fermented Foods, try Paleo Low FODMAP Diet if you already have gut issues.
  4. Reduce Inflammation - Vitamin D, Omega 3 and Turmeric Supplements (The Perfect Paleo Powder contains Turmeric!)
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