Hi, <%=data.first_name%>!
Thank you so much for completing the intake quiz for your Custom Nutrition Plan!
I’ve analyzed your responses and have created the ideal plan to help you achieve your goals!
To get started:
>>>Click here for tutorial videos and instructions for your plan
Watch the tutorial videos on that page and follow along using the documents I've attached to this email.
The first document includes Your Custom Macros.
The second document includes Your Custom Recommendations.
Download each document and have them ready. The tutorial videos on the instructions page will walk you through exactly how to them.
NOTE: Read every single section of the instructions page and watch every single video!
- Everything you learn on the instructions page and in the tutorial videos is non-negotiable and will guarantee your success with the program.
Please, let me know if you have any questions at all!
I'm honored to be a part of your health journey and I know we're going to crush your goals together!
Always here if you need me!
-Justin Nault
Certified Nutritional Therapist
Specialist in Sports Nutrition
Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
Founder - Clovis
**The opinions expressed in this e-mail and by Justin Nault are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a local physician or other healthcare professionals for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.
Justin Nault, as well as any site or distribution channel where this content may appear, does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, diet plans (i.e., but not limited to terms like "paleo" or "keto"), pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Justin Nault, or Clovis LLC or any third party whatsoever. In most instances, Justin Nault is speaking "off the cuff"; for that reason, all statements - even a statement such as "studies show" and the like - should be heavily scrutinized. Should you decide to take any advice in this e-mail, and act on it in your own life, or suggest it to another, you do so at your own risk and detriment.**