
Select your gender

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you have a gallbladder?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you have Metabolic Syndrome or Type 2 Diabetes?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you have an autoimmune condition? (Examples: IBS, Crohns, Lupus and many more)

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you suffer from an inflammatory condition? (Examples: Rheumatoid Arthrits, eczema, psoriasis, adult acne, etc)

Please select yes to proceed further

Were you born via c-section?

Please select yes to proceed further

Were you prescribed antibiotics frequently as a child?

Please select yes to proceed further

Have you taken antibiotics in the last 18 months?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you have celiac disease?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you smoke?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you consume alcohol on a regular basis?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you get at least 7-9 hours per sleep each night?

Please select yes to proceed further

Do you suffer from bacterial overgrowths such as SIBO or Candida?

Please select yes to proceed further

Have you had gastric bypass surgery within the last 2 years?

Please select yes to proceed further

Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

Please select yes to proceed further

Are you more than 100 pounds overweight?

Please select yes to proceed further

What is your primary goal for health?

Please select yes to proceed further

Describe your activity:

NOTE - Over-estimating your activity level can negatively impact your results!Most people will fall into the category of Sedentary here. The Average American spends 16 hours per day sitting down. Even if those individuals are working out once per day, this would still fall under the category of "Sedentary."

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Click Here to Read My Medical Disclaimer

Do you agree to the terms?

You must agree to the terms of the Medical Disclaimer to proceed with your Custom Nutrition Plan


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Where Should I Send Your Plan?

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Processing entered data

Estimating your healthcare needs

Creating your Clovis Plan

Creating your agenda

Your personalized fasting plan is ready!